Preparing for flooding during 2017 rainy season in Nigeria

In view of the anticipated fluvial flooding and that from overflow of rivers in some communities especially those that are located in the River Benue basin and which have potentials for flooding in 2017 as forecast by Nigeria Meteorological Organization, DEAR Africa organized awareness workshop and worked with representatives of 11 wards/ communities in Numan Local Government Area of Adamawa State Nigeria on Disaster Risks Reduction and Humanitarian assistance in times of emergencies.
Communities in Numan Local Government Area are vulnerable and live with the risk of floods every 2 years. When this happens, farm lands and homes are often damaged. In preparation for the anticipated flooding, 20 youth representatives (Male 13; Females 7) from these vulnerable communities/ wards came together for a training on DRR, Benefits of Tree Planting and Introduction to Humanitarian

Lessons Learned :

Participants learned that restoration of watersheds in communities on the Benue basin will enhance the resilience of the ecosystem to floods.
They understand also that preparedness is the responsibility of all community members: children, youth and adults; irrespective of gender and socio-cultural/ religious bias; and social class.
Participants resolved to take the learning further by mobilizing faith-based, community-focused youth advocacy and contingency planning activity in anticipation of the rain.
Action Plan June- October 2017:
Participants planned to share the learning from the training with other members of their communities, with students in schools and members of faith-based organizations in Numan Area. Participants have planned to plant tree seedlings to
replace those felled due to previous floods and as a result of slash and burn
agriculture. During this period, they would use the opportunity to pass messages
on the benefits of trees to the communities.

Supporting Materials :


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