
UNICEF Advocacy Toolkit

The Advocacy Toolkit provides a broadly accepted definition of advocacy and detailed steps, guidance and tools for developing and implementing an advocacy strategy. The Toolkit also outlines eight foundational areas that can help strengthen an office’s capacity for advocacy, and covers several crosscutting aspects of advocacy including: monitoring and evaluating advocacy managing knowledge in advocacy […]

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Parliamentarians Fact Sheet

A fact sheet providing a short overview of parliamentarians’ key role in contributing to and guiding the accountability of each national government to prevent and reduce disaster risk. In addition, the fact sheet provides information about how the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is working with parliamentarians to advance Sendai Framework for Disaster

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Getting the balance right A Red Cross Red Crescent call to address the imbalance between sanitation and water

The signs are clear that we need to rebalance the way we address issues of water and sanitation and align them with global issues such as health, hunger and economic growth. The lack of access to adequate and sustainable sanitation facilities takes its highest toll on the poor, underprivileged and disenfranchised. We need to explore, develop and advocate for ways

Getting the balance right A Red Cross Red Crescent call to address the imbalance between sanitation and water Read More »

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Sri Lanka: A Compendium of Good Practices

The compendium presents good practices of the community based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) approach implemented under a Disaster Preparedness project in the North and East of Sri Lanka, supported by the Disaster Preparedness ECHO (DIPECHO). Learning drawn from the project can be replicated and built into future interventions. The compendium also highlights the post-conflict scenario, and how CBDRR approach can

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