
Disaster Conflict Interface

The study aims to achieve a comparative analysis of tendencies and experiences that stem from the relationship between disasters and conflict. It also analyses the relative success of existing relevant programming approaches adopted incountry. This comparative analysis aims to: contribute to the body of knowledge on the interactions between disaster and conflict; better understand the

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Disaster Risk Reduction: A Front Line Defense against Climate Change and Displacement

“Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a vital defense against climate change and displacement, particularly in the current context of increasing numbers of disaster-affected persons. In the last two decades, for example, an estimated 200 million people have been affected every year by natural disasters. A significant portion of the disaster-affected community is also disaster-displaced, making

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Questioning ‘drought displacement’: environment, politics and migration in Somalia

This report by Anna Lindley, Lecturer in Migration and Development at SOAS, University of London, focuses on the humanitarian crisis in Somalia and the environmental, political, and structural dimensions and processes underlying it. The multi-causal factors of recent displacement and migration “prompt a series of policy challenges in relation to prevention, response and rights protection.”  

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Urban disasters, conflict and violence: implications for humanitarian work

Elizabeth Ferris, Co-Director of the Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement, remarks on the intersection between violence and disasters, and its implications for humanitarian response in urban settings. She cites the experiences and challenges of ICRC and other humanitarian organizations in addressing interpersonal and gang-related violence in post-disaster urban settings. She concludes by posing broader and

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Guidance for Profiling Urban Displacement Situations

The dynamics of urban settings makes profiling a complicated exercise. How to locate displaced households dispersed across vast metropolises, when they might not want to be found? How – and whether – to distinguish forcibly displaced people from other migrants and urban poor living in similar situations? How to address the political dynamics of the city

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People affected by conflict: Humanitarian needs in numbers

A report summarizing findings on people affected by conflict (PAC) from a collection of 2012 CE-DAT surveys. In 2012, we estimate that more than 172 million people were affected by conflict worldwide. Of this total, 149 million or 87% were conflict-affected residents (CARs). Internally displaced persons (IDPs) accounted for another 18 million and refugees for five

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Syria Evaluation Portal for Coordinated Accountability and Lessons Learning

The aim of the Portal is to optimise collective learning around the Syria crisis in order to improve international emergency response. The Portal provides a single platform that brings together a broad range of relevant information, data, discussion and analysis of interest to different stakeholders – including those involved in operations, learning and evaluation and

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El Salvador, Program for Prevention and Mitigation of Flood Disasters in the Lower Lempa River Basin

The Lower Lempa River Basin in El Salvador is unique in social terms and in the type of flood hazard it faces. During the civil war, this zone was depopulated. After the war, former combatants from both sides were offered land there for resettlement. A number of NGOs and civil society organisations provided assistance to

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