Asia Pacific

Translating Warnings into Action – How we can Improve Early Warning Systems to Protect Communities

Early warnings for hazards are essential for living safely and minimizing economic losses.  For many hazards, it is possible to give advance notice and accurate information to help communities prepare and respond.  However, issuance of the warning itself is not enough for a warning system to be effective, as the effectiveness of warnings is determined […]

Translating Warnings into Action – How we can Improve Early Warning Systems to Protect Communities Read More »

Traverse: an Australian Red Cross case study of the creation, design, and end of a digital identity platform

There is a long-standing challenge within the humanitarian sector – the slow process of onboarding and managing staff and volunteers for rapid deployment during a crisis. Australian Red Cross led an effort to solve this by establishing a verifiable digital credentials solution in order to remove some of the structural barriers and administrative burdens to

Traverse: an Australian Red Cross case study of the creation, design, and end of a digital identity platform Read More »

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