
UNISDR Annual Report 2016

The year 2016 was transformative for UNISDR – internally, UNISDR aligned its work in support of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 with the organisational vision of its new senior management team. This resulted in the implementation of a new Strategic Framework 2016-2021, Work Programme 2016-2019 and a change management […]

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Mediterranean strategy for sustainable development 2016-2025: Investing in environmental sustainability to achieve social and economic development

The Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 aims to contribute significantly to the long-term sustainable development vision  for the Mediterranean region, especially within the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It presents strategic directions supporting disaster preparedness, adaptive actions and urban resilience to reduce vulnerability to disaster risks. The Strategy is articulated around six

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Connecting Refugees: How Internet and Mobile Connectivity can Improve Refugee Well-Being and Transform Humanitarian Action

A research report from UNHCR that explores the critical role that information and communications technology are playing in improving the lives of refugees. The report explores access to mobile connectivity among different refugee populations and the range of technology solutions that are being implemented to facilitate refugee connection, inclusion with host communities, and access to

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Resilience scan July-September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience

. This ‘resilience scan’ summarises writing and debates in the field of resilience during the third quarter of 2016, focussing primarily on the context of developing countries as well as gender equality and resilience. The scan will be of particular interest to those implementing resilience projects and policies and those seeking summaries of current debates

Resilience scan July-September 2016: A review of literature, debates and social media activity on resilience Read More »

Flood Risks and Children with Disabilities in the UK.

  The altered environment and support systems of children with disabilities (CWD) make their physical, psychological, social, educational and physiological vulnerabilities more severe during flooding. Despite the concern that they are among the worst affected during and after disaster events, researches aimed at understanding their peculiar vulnerabilities comparative to other children is limited. Although research

Flood Risks and Children with Disabilities in the UK. Read More »

Targeting Guidance for Urban Humanitarian Response

A Review of Needs Assessment Tools, Response Analysis Frameworks, and Targeting Guidance for Urban Humanitarian Response This desk review was produced by the Stronger Cities Initiative Consortium, which is part of the Urban Crises Learning Fund. The consortium is funded by DFID and managed by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and was established to: (i) Improve how stakeholders in urban crises engage

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Stepping back Understanding cities and their systems

ALNAP’s new research initiative explores how humanitarians can better understand urban contexts. It explores the concepts and terminology around ‘urban systems’ as well as how humanitarians can most effectively embed these concepts into their practice.    This paper is the first output of the research. Section 2 outlines the methodology and evidence base. Section 3 explores the urban context: What

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A review of context analysis tools for urban humanitarian response

 The purpose of this desk review is to take stock of context analysis tools that focus on structural and systemic issues as opposed to specific individual/ households needs. This is to inform the development of an urban context analysis tool.7 The review includes an overview of the strengths, weaknesses and gaps in existing tools, frameworks

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