Livelihoods and Food Security

From emergency to development. Reducing vulnerability to food insecurity: the experience of the Mali Red Cross

As part of efforts to combat food insecurity in Mali, four communes in Goundam Circle (M’Bouna, Bintagoungou, Tin-Aïcha and Essakane) were assigned to the Mali Red Cross by the Secretariat for Food Security of the Malian Government. These communes are especially vulnerable because they are situated on the shores of Lake Faguibine, which has almost […]

From emergency to development. Reducing vulnerability to food insecurity: the experience of the Mali Red Cross Read More »

Recovery and risk reduction through livelihood support in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste is emerging from decades of conflict that led to its independence from Indonesia in 2002. The country’s location and topography have made it vulnerable to a range of natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods. The newly established Timor-Leste Red Cross Society has been working with communities to reduce and mitigate the impact of

Recovery and risk reduction through livelihood support in Timor-Leste Read More »

Developing regional food security capacity: The East Africa regional food security working group

The 5th Pan African Conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, committed National Societies to address food insecurity throughout Africa. Supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the RCNET National Societies developed a regional food security working group (RFSWG) in 2002. This resource presents the objectives of the working group, details

Developing regional food security capacity: The East Africa regional food security working group Read More »

Swaziland: good food security practices to share and replicate

This publication provides an overview of the various sustainable nutrition-enhancing and revenue-generating projects undertaken by the Baphalali Swaziland Red Cross Society, in association with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the Finnish Red Cross, and examines their merits, as well as the challenges encountered, leading to recommendations for those who

Swaziland: good food security practices to share and replicate Read More »

Community-based food security work in Rwanda: A Rwandan Red Cross experience

For the Rwandan Red Cross (RRC), the starting point for support was severe food insecurity experienced in Bugesara and Umutara provinces in 1999. Subsequently, the RRC launched a national-level vulnerability and capacity assessment (VCA) to identify the main types and areas of vulnerability throughout the country. This information was intended to help the RRC to

Community-based food security work in Rwanda: A Rwandan Red Cross experience Read More »

Reducing food insecurity: the Liberian Red Cross Society’s experience

Towards the end of 2002, the Liberian Red Cross Society began to provide basic farming implements including tools, seeds, insecticides and fertilizers to communities in three of Liberia’s 15 counties: Grand Bassa, Margibi and Rivercess. These counties were selected based on the level of vulnerability, determined from the conclusions of needs assessments carried out before

Reducing food insecurity: the Liberian Red Cross Society’s experience Read More »

Tackling malnutrition in Niger

The Red Cross programmes set up by the French Red Cross in cooperation with the Niger Red Cross support capacity-building for health agents who are trained in the national protocols for the treatment of malnutrition. Under these programmes, integrated health centres (IHCs) are equipped with anthropometric material (scales and height gauges) for evaluating children’s nutritional

Tackling malnutrition in Niger Read More »

Namibia Red Cross’ integrated food security intervention

The Namibia Red Cross introduced an integrated food security project in 2011 in order to address food availability and access as well as malnutrition and poverty within its programme areas. This was implemented as part of the National Society’s broader disaster management programme in partnership with government ministries and other international and local organizations. The

Namibia Red Cross’ integrated food security intervention Read More »

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