Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

Community Presentation of the FRMC Baseline Study in Pangasinan, Philippines

This case study describes how the data and results of the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) were presented to and discussed with members of communities targeted by the Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Program of the Philippine Red Cross and the IFRC. The FRMC is a resilience measurement approach developed by the Zurich Flood Resilience

Community Presentation of the FRMC Baseline Study in Pangasinan, Philippines Read More »

What Makes A Community Disaster Ready? A Meta-Evaluation.

0Reports Reviewed 0Organizations Covered Over the course of 2019-2020, the American Red Cross commissioned a meta‑evaluation to explore what makes a community disaster-ready. This meta-evaluation examines 24 program or project evaluations, half of which were of American Red Cross community disaster preparedness programs, and half of the programs implemented by external actors. The aim of

What Makes A Community Disaster Ready? A Meta-Evaluation. Read More »

Urban Hub Small Grant Winners for Urban Community Resilience: Pakistan Red Crescent and Mongolia Red Cross

The Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub, is pleased to announce the winners of the 1st Urban Community Resilience Small Grant Initiative: Pakistan Red Crescent and Mongolian Red Cross.  In September, Asia Pacific National Societies were invited to submit proposals for the 1st Urban Community Resilience Small Grants, an initiative to leverage community-based resilience, funded by British Red Cross. The

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World Cities Report 2020

The World Cities Report 2020 convincingly affirms that well-planned, managed, and financed cities and towns create economic, social, environmental and other unquantifiable value that can vastly improve the quality of life of all. Urbanization can be leveraged for the fight against poverty, inequality, unemployment, climate change and other pressing global challenges. In this regard, sustainable

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Scoping Study: Humanitarian Assistance in Urban Context

This scoping study, undertaken from October to December 2019, aims to inform priorities and actions of the German Red Cross (GRC) in relation to humanitarian assistance in the urban context. In doing so, the scoping study took stock of existing literature, tools, methods, networks and initiatives (phase 1). Building on this mapping exercise, interviews with

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COVID-19: Del distanciamiento físico al acercamiento comunitario

En atención a la pandemia por Covid-19 y a los consecuentes confinamientos, el Programa de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones de la Cruz Roja Mexicana, que forma parte de la Alianza Zurich de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones (ZFRA por sus siglas en inglés), suspendió todas las actividades comunitarias y presenciales. No obstante, el equipo de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones

COVID-19: Del distanciamiento físico al acercamiento comunitario Read More »

COVID-19: From physical distancing to community approach

Facing the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, the Flood Resilience Program of the Mexican Red Cross that is implemented as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (ZFRA) had to stop all community and face-to-face activities. Instead, the flood resilience team developed and implemented the “Covid-19 Community Awareness Strategy”. This case study describes how the team

COVID-19: From physical distancing to community approach Read More »

Guide to Post Disaster Recovery Capitals (ReCap)

The Recovery Capitals (ReCap) project applies a Community Capitals lens to disaster recovery to increase understanding about the interacting influences of social, built, financial, political, human, cultural and natural capital on wellbeing outcomes. It aims to support wellbeing after disasters by providing evidence-based guidance through a range of resources in different formats to accommodate different

Guide to Post Disaster Recovery Capitals (ReCap) Read More »

Towards a Risk Informed COVID-19 approach

This document is technical guidance for Red Cross Red Crescent colleagues who are interested in applying a risk-informed approach vis-a-vis the COVID19 pandemic, using some of the insights and perspectives that are applicable in the disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation fields. The document advocates for a stronger multi-sectoral and multi-risk approach when pro-actively dealing

Towards a Risk Informed COVID-19 approach Read More »

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