Climate Change Adaptation

Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning

The Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning reviews typical steps in the city-level climate action planning process in light of a proposed set of globally applicable principles. These principles, shown below, developed through a robust and open multi-stakeholder process, support local officials, planners and stakeholders in climate action planning1. Such plans aim to help […]

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Putting Power into Resilience: Case Studies from around the World

This report presents nine case studies that illustrate the principles of Christian Aid’s Resilience Framework, and put the risks and opportunities it addresses into context. The first three case studies demonstrate the principles of the Resilience Framework. Community-led participatory vulnerability and capacity assessments (PVCAs) is exemplified by initiatives to facilitate inclusive decision making in Burkina

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Cost-benefit Analysis of Climate-resilient Housing in Central Vietnam

This study applied a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to quantify the economic benefits of long-term, safety-related measures put in place for storm-resilient housing in Vietnam. The results of the CBA show that the possible returns on investment would be positive and high, which implies that investing in storm‑resilient houses can be economically viable. Key findings include: 

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Environmental Migration in Morocco: Stocktaking, Challenges and Opportunities

Environmental and climatic factors not only account for migration to Morocco from sub-Saharan Africa, but also for movements out of and within the country, especially to the major coastal cities. With the severe impacts of climate change expected to rise in intensity in the coming decades, sudden-onset events, such as floods and storms, as well

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Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in semi-arid regions of East Africa

This report summarizes key findings from the regional diagnostic study (RDS) of the ASSAR East Africa team, and identifies major gaps in the existing literature on areas of vulnerability and adaptation in semi-arid regions of East Africa. The discussion provides the foundation for detailed case study work planned for the major phase of research, the

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GDPC Annual Event 2016

Local to Global Climate Solutions: Making Communities Safer with Nature Miami has been referred to as one of the most economically vulnerable cities on the planet with $416 billion in assets at risk for flooding and sea-level rise, in just one of Miami-Dade’s many municipalities.  More alarming is the level of human exposure to natural

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A governance Approach to Building Urban Climate Resilience

This brief highlights lessons learned from the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) and offers insights for other Urban Climate Change Resilience (UCCR) programs. This series of case studies are aimed to discover the key lessons and best practices for integrating climate change into diverse programs and contexts. They are intended to inform how

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Integrating Climate Change into Market-based Development Programming

This brief focuses on a few components of Mercy Corps’ broader PRIME (Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement through Market Expansion) portfolio in Ethiopia, highlights lessons learned, and offers insights for other development programs that want to incorporate climate considerations, in particular programs focused on expansion of markets. This series of case studies are aimed to discover

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Training Manual To Support Country-driven Gender and Climate Change

Training Manual To Support Country-driven Gender and Climate Change, in policies, strategies, and program development.  The manual provides trainers, policy makers, and practitioners with background information to inform the development of gender-sensitive mitigation measures and includes material to conduct training on gender and climate change. It starts by introducing the nexus of gender and climate

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