Asia Pacific

10 Key Takeaways from the Immersive Technologies & Digital Games for School Disaster Preparedness Report

The use of virtual reality simulations in a variety of training and pedagogical contexts is expanding, reflective of an upward trend in immersive technologies & digital games’ impact for social good. To embrace this transformative wave, The Global Disaster Preparedness Centre (GDPC) and the American Red Cross commissioned research in 2019 to examine how immersive […]

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Nepal Country Briefing

Nepal, with its diverse topography, is susceptible to a wide range of hydro- meteorological and geophysical hazards including landslides, glacial lake outburst floods, and earthquakes. The Ganga floodplains receive all the water flowing through the mountain corridors, bringing flooding and landslides in Nepal, and causing significant material and human losses every year. Objectives in Nepal:

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Tanah: The Tsunami and Earthquake Fighter – Game App

‘Tanah: The Tsunami and Earthquake Fighter’ is a disaster preparedness educational mobile app designed for kids and families, to teach them how to protect themselves from tsunamis and earthquakes in fun and interactive game! ‘Tanah’ is a collaboration effort between the GDPC, UNESCO, and USAID with support from PMI and AHA Center. Developed by Thai-based

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Disaster Scope

Disaster Scope is an augmented reality (AR) application which contains flooding and fire smoke simulations built by Itamiya laboratory, an organisation lead by Dr Tomoki Itamiya, a professor at Aichi University of Technology (Japan). Itamiya laboratory specialise in image processing and computer graphics technology, and have been working in the immersive technologies space for the

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Philippines Disaster Preparedness Simulator

The Disaster Preparedness Simulator is a virtual reality (VR) integrated disaster preparedness learning experience where users are immersed in disaster scenarios in a controlled environment. It has three experiences of different hazards – earthquake, flood and typhoon – and is specifically targeted at children as an integrated part of their disaster preparedness education in schools.

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Cases of Blended First Aid Training in Red Cross National Societies

This short resource brings together the blended learning stories and experiences of seven National Societies in the RC/RC network practicing blended first aid training. Each case study highlights an element of the innovation that is happening in first aid training in RC/RC National Socieites. It is clear that there is a good deal of innovative

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Cash Preparedness Case Study – Viet Nam Red Cross Society

This case study is one of six, documenting evidence on the impact of and lessons from cash preparedness support programmes by the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in Viet Nam between 2015 and 2017.    Find more resources and informational materials on cash assistance in emergencies on the Cash Hub. Cash Hub

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