
The Flood Resilience Alliance – Community Testimonials from Nepal, Mexico and Indonesia

The Flood Resilience Alliance (2013 -2017) is a five-year partnership that set out to develop a model that would deliver effective community flood resilience programmes at scale and contribute to shaping the flood resilience agenda of policy-makers and donors. For the IFRC and National Societies the Flood Resilience Alliance, advocacy and influencing strategies were designed to improve conditions for vulnerable […]

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VI Plataforma Regional para la Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres en las Américas (Declaración de Cartagena)

La VI Edición de la Plataforma Regional para la Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres en las Américas se celebró en Cartagena – Colombia, del 20 al 22 de junio, en cooperación de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (UNISDR) y el Gobierno de Colombia, como parte del Sistema

VI Plataforma Regional para la Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres en las Américas (Declaración de Cartagena) Read More »

Houston and Hurricane Harvey: a call to action

This study – written by ISET-International, in collaboration with Zurich Insurance Group, and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center looks in detail at the Houston floods that resulted from Hurricane Harvey.  Based on interviews with impacted households and businesses, and with people involved in risk reduction, response and recovery at the city, county and state level, the

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Bridging Real-Time Data and Adaptive Management

The case studies show that real-time data systems can, in the right circumstances and with the right enabling conditions, enable adaptive management. In settings where there are no political or institutional constraints to adaptation—and where the timeliness of information is the binding constraint on strategic and operational improvements—real-time data systems can underpin and catalyze data-driven

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NAHRS Summit Meeting Report

The North American Humanitarian Response Summit (NAHRS) project represents a unique effort to improve the effectiveness of cross-border response to a potential catastrophic disaster in North America. NAHRS is implemented by the American Red Cross in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross and Mexican Red Cross. This final report includes the conclussions about the strategic

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Voice Biometrics & Blockchain: Identity Management in Humanitarian Aid Distribution

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in collaboration with Members of the Global Disaster Preparedness Center, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and Red Cross Climate Center (RCCC) presented the MIT-Humanitarian-Hack in April 19 to 22 in Boston. Selbst was the winner project related to Voice Biometrics & Blockchain: Identity Management in

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Resilient: Zero carbon, risk-informed, sustainable

UNDP’s work in climate change, disaster risk reduction and energy (2015-2017) This report is comprised of 15 country case studies providing examples of climate action, disaster risk reduction and recovery, and sustainable energy. Each case emphasizes the integrated approach to these work streams and similarly, the linkages and benefits that each extends to the others. 

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The Importance of Mental Preparedness Prior to a Major Natural Disaster

In 1980, Mount St. Helens experienced a major volcanic eruption. More than 57 people were killed as a direct result of the eruption, which experts believe to be one of the most disastrous in United States history. While the eruption itself was a dramatic and quick-moving event, it wasn’t without warning. In fact, for the

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