Climate Change Adaptation

Water Security and Climate Resilient Development – Strategic Framework

This Framework provides an approach for the development of ‘no/low regrets’ investments and financing strategies, as a starting point for embarking on climate resilient development in Africa. No/low regrets investments have the key characteristic of delivering benefits under any future climate scenario and building confidence in the long term sustainability of development activities. Fast-tracking these

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Case study 4 – Harmonizing indigenous and local knowledge: “The path towards community and institutional resilience”

“We, the indigenous peoples, do not reject adapting to climate change because we have always, as a people–consulted Nature. We read its signs and foresee; we understand; we harmonize with it which is how we have always lived and survived through the ages, because we are blessed by our actions.” Pablo Ramón Vanegas, member of

Case study 4 – Harmonizing indigenous and local knowledge: “The path towards community and institutional resilience” Read More »

Case study 1 – Step by Step towards Climate Change Adaptation

In the last 20 years, Nicaragua has been the fourth country most affected by extreme weather events worldwide (Germanwatch Report, 2014). The country is investing in humanitarian aid to respond to emergencies caused by hydro meteorological events, and to mitigate disaster risks and climate change impact, which have an effect on socio-environmental development nationally. In

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Juego: Cuenca arriba, cuenca abajo

Es un juego diseñado con el apoyo del Centro del Clima de la Cruz Roja y Media Luna Roja para educar de una manera didáctica y divertida la problemática del cambio climático en las zonas vulnerables. Río Arriba, Río Abajo (versión corta), Río Arriba, Río Abajo (juego), Climate Change Game and rules,,

Juego: Cuenca arriba, cuenca abajo Read More »

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