Resilience and Disaster Risk Management

GLOBAL MIGRATION Resilient Cities at the Forefront

Like other urban pressures, migration also presents a powerful opportunity for building resilience. In September of 2016, eight 100RC Member Cities, with a broad range of experience absorbing migrants, convened in Athens to collaborate on migration as a key component of urban planning. Chief Resilience Officers (CROs) from Athens, Thessaloniki, Amman, Paris, Montreal, Los Angeles, […]

GLOBAL MIGRATION Resilient Cities at the Forefront Read More »

Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) Guiding principles on disaster risk reduction and climate change: East and Horn of Africa

This study aims to provide useful recommendations on how to harmonize and boost up the progress that the humanitarian and development actors are trying to achieve in strengthening disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation among vulnerable communities in East and Horn of Africa. The East and Horn of Africa are among the most affected

Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) Guiding principles on disaster risk reduction and climate change: East and Horn of Africa Read More »

Strengthening the context of people in need of care and/or help – the project KOPHIS

The KOPHIS Project aims to strengthen the context of care and help dependencies in disasters. It elaborates the linking of care infrastructure, involved authorities and organizations as well as civil society networks, and thus raise the resilience of involved actors. Here we provide two information sheets about our research project, and would be happy about

Strengthening the context of people in need of care and/or help – the project KOPHIS Read More »

Inclusive community resilience: empowering communities for resilience

Through the Inclusive Community Resilience (ICR) initiative, GFDRR taps into grassroots expertise in disaster risk management and promotes scalable models that engage directly with communities, making them equal partners with governments. In the event of a disaster, studies show that 90% of survivors are rescued by their own neighbors. This core community strength in responding

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Resilience Radar User Manual. A practical tool to measure community resilience

How do you measure ‘resilience’? There has been much debate both on definitions and on measurements, but arguably little practice: Few humanitarian and development projects take a systematic approach to assessing the multiple dimensions of resilience. While several tools exist, most are time-consuming and complex. Banyaneer therefore developed a free, flexible, and rather simple tool

Resilience Radar User Manual. A practical tool to measure community resilience Read More »

UAE Climate Change Risks & Resilience: an overview of climate change risks to 12 key sectors

This report aims to improve awareness and understanding of the risks posed by climate change among public and private sector policymakers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It provides findings and recommendations to catalyse action, increase the prioritisation of climate change in the UAE, and encourage greater implementation of evidence-based adaptation measures. The report discusses the role of

UAE Climate Change Risks & Resilience: an overview of climate change risks to 12 key sectors Read More »

Disaster risk reduction achievements 2016: good practices, tools and initiatives

This publication features 50 good practices, tools and initiatives that were supported under the 2015-2016 DIPECHO Action Plan. These contribute to the implementation of the Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) Strategy 2014-2024 and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. All initiatives in the publication are associated to one of the following four thematic focus areas: Early Warning

Disaster risk reduction achievements 2016: good practices, tools and initiatives Read More »

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