
Trilateral best practices report- Tools and technologies for earthquake risk management: Sharing experience from Northeast Asia

This report brings together best practices in earthquake risk reduction from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as Mongolia, which were shared in a regional online workshop organized in August 2023 by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) as part of a collaboration […]

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The role of early warning early action in minimizing loss and damage

This paper for loss and damage policy makers and negotiators outlines how early warning early action (EWEA) can contribute to improving communities’ resilience in the face of rising risks. EWEA must be holistically and effectively designed and implemented; take a locally led, people-centered, and inclusive approach; be sustainably governed with clear roles, accountability, and coordination

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Young, lawless and promising – stories about finding the way out of youth crime

The purpose of the report “Young, lawless and promising” is to strengthen knowledge about how we as a society can better prevent in general and prevent relapse into crime for youth who have been involved in youth crime. The Red Cross has conducted in-depth interviews with 13 people aged 18 to 36 who in their

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Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing

The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, commonly experiencing floods, droughts, and typhoons. According to the latest assessment of the World Risk Index (2022), the Philippines is the country with the highest disaster risk in the world. The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance is a multi-sectoral partnership focusing on finding practical

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Policy Paper: Loss & Damage

This paper is a contribution by the Danish Red Cross and CARE Denmark to the ongoing discussions on the climate change driven losses and damages. It aims to deepen the understanding of economic and non-economic loss and damage, the way it is experienced by people and communities, and the approaches adopted by the international and

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Report: The Future of Volunteers in Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response

Climate change, rural to urban migration, an aging population, municipal task shifting, and changes in the way people volunteer – many forces will affect the risk landscape local disaster preparedness and emergency response actors will have to confront in the decades to come. What do we in the Red Cross have to be aware of

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Towards effective early warning systems: Impact and lessons from Nepal and Peru

Towards effective early warning systems: Impact and lessons from Nepal and Peru. A report with findings from Practical Action’s commissioned assessment to better understand the impact of our people-centred early warning system (EWS) programming in Nepal and Peru. The evidence gained is intended to inform and shape future policy and practice of EWS programming globally.

Towards effective early warning systems: Impact and lessons from Nepal and Peru Read More »

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