Urban Risk Reduction

VCA in Large Cities – Capitalization of the scenario for risk management in large cities

The capitalization analysis that will be developed in this document, centers its interest in the acknowledgement of virtues, rights and wrongs currently existing in the implementation of projects, focused on the reduction of risks in large cities, and the implementation of the Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Capacities –AVC- in order to incorporate knowledge, practices and […]

VCA in Large Cities – Capitalization of the scenario for risk management in large cities Read More »

City Resilience Framework – City Resilience Index

This framework published by the Rockefeller Foundation as part of their 100 Resilient Cities Campaign is intended to form the basis of a tool that should enable all of us interested in city resilience to convene around a common understanding of that idea, and begin to ‘baseline’ what matters most for making cities more resilient. Both the framework and the index

City Resilience Framework – City Resilience Index Read More »

Guiding principles on security of tenure for the urban poor

This Guidelines are published by the Special Rapporteur on Adequate housing in Feb 2014.  I believe that these principles can be useful on our programs, (specially our Recovery  and Urban programming) as it presents an overview on how to strengthen diverse tenure forms, both formal and informal, an overview of mechanisms conducing to security of

Guiding principles on security of tenure for the urban poor Read More »

Urban Preparedness. Lessons from the Kathmandu Valley.

In the context of the Nepal Red Cross and British Red Cross Earthquake Preparedness for Safer Communities programme (EPS) in Kathmandu, this study focuses on identifying key learning points on community engagement and local  and national action in a complex urban disaster management. Link to document http://www.preventionweb.net/files/36764_36764urbanpreparednesskathmandufull.pdf

Urban Preparedness. Lessons from the Kathmandu Valley. Read More »

Supporting Durable Solutions to Urban, Post-disaster Displacement:Haiti

This study, published by the  Brookings and IOM examines the question of durable solutions to displacement in Port-au-Prince, recognizing that the challenges faced in Haiti may be a source of insight for responses to other urban, post-disaster displacement crises—which are expected to become more common in the future. The study draws on the results of

Supporting Durable Solutions to Urban, Post-disaster Displacement:Haiti Read More »

Humanitarian crises, emergency preparedness and response: the role of business and the private sector Indonesia case study

This paper addresses the role of the private sector in humanitarian action in Indonesia and broad patters of engagement between the humanitarian and the private sectors. In analysing these issues, the paper identifies the barriers to, and opportunities for, more systematic engagement between humanitarian actors and the private sector, and puts forward practical measures to make collaboration more consistent and successful. The study

Humanitarian crises, emergency preparedness and response: the role of business and the private sector Indonesia case study Read More »

The openMatatus project: Collaborative research and mapping for Nairobi’s Informal Public Transit

Before the openMatatus project, the matatu buses of Nairobi operated in a no-man’s land of organization, with each driver responsible only for his own small piece of the puzzle. The minibuses were not owned by a government agency and fares were unregulated, contributing to uneven fare prices, lax safety regulations, and overly centralized and congested

The openMatatus project: Collaborative research and mapping for Nairobi’s Informal Public Transit Read More »

Meeting the Urban Challenge: Adapting Humanitarian Efforts to an Urban World

This report provides an overview of current thinking and emerging good practice related to humanitarian action in the urban context. It is produced by the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) and is based on discussions held at their 27th Meeting the UrbanChallenge event and a literature review on humanitarian responses to urban crises.     

Meeting the Urban Challenge: Adapting Humanitarian Efforts to an Urban World Read More »

Innovative Land Tenure in the Philippines: Challenges, Approaches and Institutionalization

Given the size of the urban poor population, a major challenge confronting development agencies, policymakers and social actors concerned with addressing poverty is how to provide better access to secure tenure and housing. tools and strategies to increase the poor’s access to secure land and housing tenure need to be devised. the overall aim of this study is to contribute to the

Innovative Land Tenure in the Philippines: Challenges, Approaches and Institutionalization Read More »

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