Urban Risk Reduction

GDPC Annual Event 2014

                Innovation in Urban Disaster Preparedness On Wednesday February 5, 2014 the GDPC is holding it’s second annual forum event to explore key topics in urban disaster preparedness and resilience. Overview Urban disaster preparedness is receiving more attention throughout the world and within the Red Cross and Red

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Building Resilience: Integrating Climate and Disaster Risk into Development

This report presents the World Bank’s experience in climate and disaster resilient development, and contends that such development is essential to eliminating extreme poverty and achieving shared prosperity by 2030. The report recognizes, however, that such development requires additional start-up costs, which pay off in the long run if done correctly. Given this, the report argues for closer collaboration between the

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Hidden Cities: Unmasking and Overcoming Inequities in Urban Settings

The joint UN-HABITAT/WHO report Hidden cities is the result of an intensive collaboration between the UN-HABITAT head office in Nairobi, Kenya,and the World Health Organization. Broad physical, social and economic determinants influence the health of city dwellers. The natural and built environment influences the health of urban residents through geography and climate, housing quality, water and sanitation systems, air quality, and

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Urban Poor Transform slums

The lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Asian cities have been transformed thanks to an innovative project that enables the urban poor to improve their living conditions in partnership with city governments. The successes of the Asian Coalition for Community Action (ACCA) programme, which the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights is implementing in

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Urban Poor Transform slums

The lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Asian cities have been transformed thanks to an innovative project that enables the urban poor to improve their living conditions in partnership with city governments. The successes of the Asian Coalition for Community Action (ACCA) programme, which the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights is implementing in

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The Minimum Standards for local climate‐smart disaster risk reduction

Many national climate change adaptation plans consider the need to plan over various timescales and acknowledge the essential role of local communities in addressing the changing risks. The Minimum Standards for local climate‐smart disaster risk reduction were developed as a practical checklist to help local community leaders and DRR practitioners ensure their risk reduction efforts are climate‐smart and contribute to

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Why Games?

Games encourage empowered action and they generate shared experiences and discussions that are truly participatory. For humanitarian organizations and local volunteers it is an active learning experience; a playful dialogue about situated action rather than an abstract discussion or exercise.Despite their usefulness, many people view games as a child’s pastime, as a medium that is not serious, and is

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