Case Study

Mozambique: cyclone early warning system in practice

In 2000 and 2001, severe floods struck large areas of Mozambique. The devastating impact of the flooding, and the relative lack of disaster preparedness among affected communities, provided the impetus and the opportunity for the Mozambique Red Cross Society to initiate a five-year community-based disaster preparedness programme in Inhambane and Zambezia provinces, with support from […]

Mozambique: cyclone early warning system in practice Read More »

Landslide early warning in Costa Rica

Following a number of landslides in August 2002, the International Federation, supported by the Regional Delegation in Central America, obtained funding from the British government to implement an early warning system in the event of future landslides. The overall objective was to ‘promote the development of community organizational and planning processes for the identification of

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Climate Change Awareness, Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, A Bangladesh Case Study

Bangladesh is not only vulnerable to rising sea levels, but is also one of the most flood  and cyclone prone countries in the world with 25 percent of its geographical area vulnerable. The floods and cyclones not only disrupt and take lives, but also isolate communities, severely affecting the livelihoods and education of the people

Climate Change Awareness, Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, A Bangladesh Case Study Read More »

‘Healthy mother, healthy child’ – improving the nutritional and health status of women and children in Kazakhstan

The health of the population of Kazakhstan, in particular of women, requires urgent attention. The nutritional status of women and children, especially those living in economically deprived and environmentally degraded regions of Kazakhstan, is of serious concern. In Semipalatinsk and surrounding areas in east Kazakhstan, used for nuclear tests during the Soviet era, women and

‘Healthy mother, healthy child’ – improving the nutritional and health status of women and children in Kazakhstan Read More »

Pathways to a climate resilient future: a community-based cost benefit analysis of a food security project in Ethiopia

In recent years, climate change impacts have created grave new threats to rural livelihoods. Community-based cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is an evidence-based tool which can effectively be used to ascertain the value and impact of integrating resilience-building interventions in food security programming. The following case study provides an overview of a community-based CBA that was conducted

Pathways to a climate resilient future: a community-based cost benefit analysis of a food security project in Ethiopia Read More »

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