Case Study

Climate Change Awareness, Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, A Bangladesh Case Study

Bangladesh is not only vulnerable to rising sea levels, but is also one of the most flood  and cyclone prone countries in the world with 25 percent of its geographical area vulnerable. The floods and cyclones not only disrupt and take lives, but also isolate communities, severely affecting the livelihoods and education of the people

Climate Change Awareness, Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, A Bangladesh Case Study Read More »

‘Healthy mother, healthy child’ – improving the nutritional and health status of women and children in Kazakhstan

The health of the population of Kazakhstan, in particular of women, requires urgent attention. The nutritional status of women and children, especially those living in economically deprived and environmentally degraded regions of Kazakhstan, is of serious concern. In Semipalatinsk and surrounding areas in east Kazakhstan, used for nuclear tests during the Soviet era, women and

‘Healthy mother, healthy child’ – improving the nutritional and health status of women and children in Kazakhstan Read More »

Pathways to a climate resilient future: a community-based cost benefit analysis of a food security project in Ethiopia

In recent years, climate change impacts have created grave new threats to rural livelihoods. Community-based cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is an evidence-based tool which can effectively be used to ascertain the value and impact of integrating resilience-building interventions in food security programming. The following case study provides an overview of a community-based CBA that was conducted

Pathways to a climate resilient future: a community-based cost benefit analysis of a food security project in Ethiopia Read More »

Mauritania: Small-scale surface irrigation for food security

The majority of the population in Mauritania provides for themselves through traditional agriculture and livestock farming and are heavily dependent on the rainy seasons. As a result of unpredictable seasonal rains and climatic conditions, climate hazards (in particular periodic droughts), encroaching desertification and competition for resources, the majority of the population remains chronically vulnerable to

Mauritania: Small-scale surface irrigation for food security Read More »

Meeting the challenge of climate impacts: IFRC case studies in climate-related risk reduction

The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report presents the current state of knowledge on climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Compared to the Fourth Assessment Report in 2007, “AR5” has a much stronger focus on risks. It presents a cold, realistic assessment of how risks are already changing and are bound to

Meeting the challenge of climate impacts: IFRC case studies in climate-related risk reduction Read More »

Supporting Durable Solutions to Urban, Post-disaster Displacement:Haiti

This study, published by the  Brookings and IOM examines the question of durable solutions to displacement in Port-au-Prince, recognizing that the challenges faced in Haiti may be a source of insight for responses to other urban, post-disaster displacement crises—which are expected to become more common in the future. The study draws on the results of

Supporting Durable Solutions to Urban, Post-disaster Displacement:Haiti Read More »

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