
Overview of Forced Migration of South Sudanese into West Nile Region, Northern Uganda

For over 2 decades, Uganda has been a host country for refugees from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo where the majorities are currently settling in the refugee camps of West Nile region and Western Uganda due to the escalating rebellion, civil war and armed conflict in their home country. As a result

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Smart Villages and Resilience to Natural Disasters

This report summarises the findings of a workshop on Smart Villages and Resilience to Natural Disasters. Co-hosted by the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, and the Smart Villages Initiative, the workshop brought together two communities of researchers and practitioners focusing on energy access and natural disasters to promote active discussion around key issues

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CAP-Enabled Alerting

This document is intended to provide advice concerning policy and technical matters pertinent to implementing a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)‑enabled Alerting System. The advice is contributed by individuals in the role of invited experts, as listed in the Acknowledgements section. The target audience is the set of implementors who are likely to have a role

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What Role does the Private Sector have in supporting Disaster Recovery, and what Challenges does it face in doing so?

This publication examines key issues confronting the private sector in: disaster recovery financing; what roles private-sector entities have played; and where there has been successful integration or leadership of these organizations. The study also briefly explores challenges that the private sector faces, with particular attention to issues of information use and application, coordination in response

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Australia Disaster Management Reference Handbook

The Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (USA), produces country and regional reference books to provide a commonly available baseline of information regarding disaster management environments. This Disaster Management Reference Handbook Series is designed to provide decision makers, planners and responders a basic understanding of regional disaster management plans and structures, including

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CAP Mexico Notes

This document is intended to provide advice concerning policy and technical matters pertinent to instituting a Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)‑enabled National Alert System in Mexico. The advice is contributed by individuals in the role of invited experts, as listed in the Acknowledgements section. The target audience is the set of officials in the government of

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World Cities Report 2016: Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures

Published by UNHABITAT, this year’s World Cities Report presents a number of issues that this New Urban Agenda should address.  United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development — known as Habitat III — in Quito, Ecuador, is a timely and important opportunity. It takes place as the world embarks on efforts to implement

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