
Trade & Humanitarian Emergencies: A survey of trade policy issues affecting disaster response, recovery and reconstruction

The same issues that affect trade on a daily basis, such as costly, inefficient and onerous borders procedures, are magnified in times of humanitarian emergencies where speed and reliability of delivery are so critical. Trade also plays a key role in recovery and reconstruction well beyond the initial phase of an emergency. The report surveys […]

Trade & Humanitarian Emergencies: A survey of trade policy issues affecting disaster response, recovery and reconstruction Read More »

Beyond Ebola: From Dignified Response to Dignified Recovery

The geographical spread in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone has brought enormous challenges.  Urban  and  rural,  from  hotspots  in  the  slums  of  capital  cities  to  others  in  remote  country sides,  it  has  even  caused  concern  that  sudden  surges  might  be  missed or rapid response capacity might simply be insufficient. The  numbers  are  truly  horrific:  over 

Beyond Ebola: From Dignified Response to Dignified Recovery Read More »

A unified front: Business Partnerships for Effective Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

This report makes the case that a unified effort of business partnership is needed to effectively manage the unexpected difficulties that arise as a result of disasters. It presents some strategies and best practices companies have implemented for dealing with disasters and reducing their impact. It also discusses a number of trends that are critical

A unified front: Business Partnerships for Effective Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Read More »

Resilience scan October-December 2015: a Review of Literature, Debates and Social Media Activity on Resilience

This ‘resilience scan’ summarizes writing and debates in the field of resilience during the last quarter of 2015, focusing primarily on the context of developing countries. It comprises insights on the manner in which resilience appeared within key international policy processes in 2015, key blogs on resilience, grey literature and academic journal articles. The scan

Resilience scan October-December 2015: a Review of Literature, Debates and Social Media Activity on Resilience Read More »

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in semi-arid regions of East Africa

This report summarizes key findings from the regional diagnostic study (RDS) of the ASSAR East Africa team, and identifies major gaps in the existing literature on areas of vulnerability and adaptation in semi-arid regions of East Africa. The discussion provides the foundation for detailed case study work planned for the major phase of research, the

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in semi-arid regions of East Africa Read More »

Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic

The strategic directions on strengthening National Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction are intended for use by all stakeholders as a guiding document or manual, which proposes a list of rational options of organizational and practical actions that aim at strengthening the capacity, increasing efficiency and effectiveness of national platforms for disaster risk reduction. The given

Strategic directions: strengthening national platforms for disaster reduction – with experience in Kyrgyz Republic Read More »

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