Empowering Communities & Strengthening Resilience – Partnerships for Disaster Resilience for Thailand

 This publication serves to document the lessons learned by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center ADPC and its development partners during their work in Thailand, with a focus on the implementation experience of projects following the ‘Great Floods’ of 2011. Importantly, these lessons are considered in the wider context of previous community-based disaster risk reduction work carried out by ADPC whilst considering the future directions of community resilience for the country.

It demonstrates, projects have been implemented in line with the vision of the Center and in support of global frameworks on disaster risk reduction. Activities have included working towards safer schools, building the capacity of local responders, establishing and maintaining systems for early warning, improving health facility preparedness as well as aiming to engage the private sector in disaster preparedness efforts.

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center ADPC , September 2015

Empowering Communities & Strengthening Resilience

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