Early Warning Systems

Advocacy report- The road to strengthening community resilience in East Africa-Investing in National Societies volunteers and partnerships

This report considers the extent to which Red Cross Red Crescent volunteer action is strengthening community resilience in East Africa, focusing specifically on the unique role of volunteers, and emphasizing the role of National Societies as respected long-term partners in sustainable development. Based on lessons learned from implementation, this report is structured around the ten […]

Advocacy report- The road to strengthening community resilience in East Africa-Investing in National Societies volunteers and partnerships Read More »

Early Warning – Early Action: A Regional Guideline for Effective Engagement

The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance to the National Societies on effectively enhancing and supporting Early Warning Systems (EWS) in their respective countries, particularly at the community level. This publication is meant to identify the current roles and responsibilities of National Society at various levels, including volunteers, and identify how these positions could be enhanced to

Early Warning – Early Action: A Regional Guideline for Effective Engagement Read More »

The Red Cross Red Crescent and the Hyogo Framework for Action – Focus on the Asia/Pacific region

This document describes some of the ways that National Societies in the Asia-Pacific region have been contributing to the implementation of the five priorities of the Hyogo Framework Action, grouped according to the main activities under each priority. Case Study: The Red Cross Red Crescent and the Hyogo Framework for Action – Focus on the Asia/Pacific

The Red Cross Red Crescent and the Hyogo Framework for Action – Focus on the Asia/Pacific region Read More »

Case Study: Mozambique- cyclone early warning system in practice

In 2000 and 2001, severe floods struck large areas of Mozambique. The devastating impact of the flooding, and the relative lack of disaster preparedness among affected communities, provided the impetus and the opportunity for the Mozambique Red Cross Society to initiate a five-year community-based disaster preparedness programme in Inhambane and Zambezia provinces, with support from the Danish Red Cross. The target beneficiaries were the

Case Study: Mozambique- cyclone early warning system in practice Read More »

Building Local Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation committees – Lebanon

Despite political challenges in Lebanon, disaster mitigation committees in Marjeyoun district are helping people prepare for disasters. Support was provided by World Vision Lebanon. One in a series of video case studies created by the Global Network for Disaster Reduction. GNDR, 2011. Building Local Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation committees – Lebanon, Overview of GNDR

Building Local Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation committees – Lebanon Read More »

Early Warning Systems

Early warning systems are an essential tool for risk management and disaster preparedness that help save lives and minimize the potential impact of disasters. To be effective, early warning systems need to rely on the direct participation of at-risk communities, facilitate public education and awareness of risks, disseminate messages and warnings efficiently, and help maintain

Early Warning Systems Read More »

تقريرعن الكوارث في العالم – ملخص التكنولوجيا ومستقبل العمل الإنساني 2013

أفادت التقارير بأن عدد من لقوا حتفهم أو تضرروا من جراء الكوارث في عام 2012 بلغ أدنى مستوياته بالمقارنة مع أي من السنوات الأخرى خلال العقد المنصرم˛ و هذا ما تثبته الأرقام الواردة في هذا التقرير. وإذا كانت هذه الأرقام تزف إلينا خبراً إيجابياً˛ فإنها تبيٌن أيضاً عدم وقوع كوارث كبرى مثل “تسونامي” المحيط الهندي

تقريرعن الكوارث في العالم – ملخص التكنولوجيا ومستقبل العمل الإنساني 2013 Read More »

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