Asia Pacific

Case Study: Getting the word out: Women emergency responders in Bangladesh pass message on, train others

In Bangladesh, histories of oral traditions have laid the foundation for community training in emergency response. A strong colloquial culture in folklore and story telling makes a compelling case why community training is practical and effective. In many cases, knowledge equates to power.   Within these traditions, women have a central role in passing on knowledge to others as provider and educator […]

Case Study: Getting the word out: Women emergency responders in Bangladesh pass message on, train others Read More »

Case study: Coordination improved response time and increased concentration during emergency, volunteers report

As this case illustrates, community-led teams can take a lead in response efforts for disasters of international significance, as well as smaller and more local incidents.   The Savar incident is such a case: beginning as a local incident, it has garnered considerable international media attention and led to wide-ranging changes in national and international policy for the readymade garment industry.  

Case study: Coordination improved response time and increased concentration during emergency, volunteers report Read More »

Handbook for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning in Lao PDR

Published on: 1/1/2012 Language: English Author(s): Ministry of Planning Investment, supported by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and World Bank, financial assistance from Globa Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Department: Disaster Risk Management System Type: Policies, Procedures and Guidelines File size: 14.06 MB Publication Overview/Description This Handbook is specific for Lao PDR, and has been adapted from the DaLA methodology developed

Handbook for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning in Lao PDR Read More »

Case Study: Mainstreaming put to the test – one official’s experience in Bhutan

Bhutan is known as the ‘Land of the Thunder Dragon ‘for the violent storms that blow in from the Himalayas. Here, climate change and weather hazards have always been point of vulnerability. Besides Himalayan storms, glacial melting can also cause flash floods. Frequent landslides during the rainy season and seismic activity further increase risks for farmers.   Asian Disaster

Case Study: Mainstreaming put to the test – one official’s experience in Bhutan Read More »

Case Study: Striking Gender Balance to Build A Flood-Resilient Community

    Published June 2013   An estimated US$ 45.7 billion loss caused by the 2011 flooding crisis in Thailand well reflected Mrs. Mayuree’s view towards less-prioritized issue of flooding resilience and preparedness among local communities. To enhance resilience and sustainably reduce vulnerability of flood-prone province, local residents at Ban Ta Luang for the first time learned about disaster risk management skill

Case Study: Striking Gender Balance to Build A Flood-Resilient Community Read More »

Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya

    Interest story about “Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya” Excerpt: ADPC, with support from USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA), initiated the Program for Reduction of Vulnerability of Floods in Thailand in 2012 to address the risk management challenges that were identified as a result of the 2011 flood

Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya Read More »

Living with a river that rises; Coastal communities in Da Nang are taking measures to respond to flash flooding, but is it enough?

Interest story about “Living with a river that rises; Coastal communities in Da Nang are taking measures to respond to flash flooding, but is it enough?”   Asian Disaster Preparedness Center – Website:

Living with a river that rises; Coastal communities in Da Nang are taking measures to respond to flash flooding, but is it enough? Read More »

Case Study: Strengthening Capacities for Sub-National Post- Disaster Needs Assessment and Reconstruction

Post-disaster recovery is about getting people’s everyday life back to normal after a disaster and making sure money is invested appropriately for long-term reconstruction. To make sure the recovery and reconstruction plan is responsive to the priorities and needs in the assessment, the project partners developed general guidelines on planning, budgeting, and financing for Khammouane province in Lao PDR. The guidelines take officials through the

Case Study: Strengthening Capacities for Sub-National Post- Disaster Needs Assessment and Reconstruction Read More »

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