Hurricane Safety Checklist. French
Hurricane Safety Checklist that includes ‘What should I do?”, “What supplies do I need?” and “What do I do after a hurricane?” sections. French
Hurricane Safety Checklist. French Read More »
Hurricane Safety Checklist that includes ‘What should I do?”, “What supplies do I need?” and “What do I do after a hurricane?” sections. French
Hurricane Safety Checklist. French Read More »
Hurricane Safety Checklist that includes ‘What should I do?”, “What supplies do I need?” and “What do I do after a hurricane?” sections. Chinese
Hurricane Safety Checklist. Chinese Read More »
الأعاصير تكون قوية تسبب في وقوع كوارث تهدد الحياة والأملاك مثل السيول، وارتفاع الأعاصير، والرياح السريعة، والزوابع. هذه القائمة تحتوي علي طرح إجابات على الأسئلة التالية ماذا ينبغي أن أفعل؟ ما هي الإمدادات التي أحتاج إليها؟ ماذا أفعل في أعقاب السيل؟ جمعية الصليب الأحمر الأمريكية الوطنية 2009
قائمة الأمور المطلوب مراعاتها للسلامة من الإعصار Read More »
Prepararse para volver a casa después de una evacuación le mantendrá más seguro además de realizar inspección y la limpieza de los daños a su casa. Antes de viajar, asegúrese de que los funcionarios locales hayan declarado que es seguro entrar en su comunidad y que dispone de los materiales necesarios.
Regreso a casa después de un huracán o inundación Read More »
Preparing to return home after evacuating will keep you safer while inspecting and cleaning up the damage to your home. Before traveling, ensure local officials have declared that it’s safe to enter your community and that you have the supplies you will need. Follow the suggestions below for returning to, inspecting and cleaning your home.
Returning Home After a Hurricane or a Flood Read More »
Poor people living in slums are at particularly high risk from the impacts of climate change and natural hazards. They live on the most vulnerable land within cities, typically areas deemed undesirable by others and thus affordable. This study analyzes the key challenges facing the urban poor, given the risks associated with climate change and
The Red Cross of Viet Nam, with support from the International Federation, the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Danish Red Cross, has planted mangroves along almost all the coastline where natural conditions allow. Local communities carry out the planting and the planters have the right to harvest marine products in the areas where they
Mangroves and education reduce disaster risk in Viet Nam Read More »
Cox’s Bazar District is in the Bay of Bengal, at the south-eastern corner of Bangladesh, bordering Myanmar. It is particularly vulnerable to the tropical cyclones that frequently hit the region, causing deadly storm surges and wind damage. The worst cyclone in recent years took place in 1991, resulting in 150,000 deaths – more than 90
Empowering communities to prepare for cyclones Read More »
Viet Nam has always suffered from extreme weather events. Because of climate change, it is likely that droughts will occur more often, and that tropical cyclones will also become more intense. In 2003, the Vietnam Red Cross Society (VNRCS) became one of the first National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies to integrate climate change into
Preparing for Climate Change in Viet Nam Read More »
Bangladesh is not only vulnerable to rising sea levels, but is also one of the most flood and cyclone prone countries in the world with 25 percent of its geographical area vulnerable. The floods and cyclones not only disrupt and take lives, but also isolate communities, severely affecting the livelihoods and education of the people