Assessment or evaluation

Introducción a las Directrices sobre la facilitación y reglamentación nacionales de las operaciones internacionales de socorro en casos de desastre y asistencia para la recuperación inicial (Directrices IDRL)

En noviembre de 2007, en la XXX Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja se adoptó por unanimidad una serie de recomendaciones para ayudar a los gobiernos a adecuar sus sistemas de regulación a las intervenciones internacionales de socorro en casos de desastre. La mayor parte de las Directrices sobre […]

Introducción a las Directrices sobre la facilitación y reglamentación nacionales de las operaciones internacionales de socorro en casos de desastre y asistencia para la recuperación inicial (Directrices IDRL) Read More »

Summary – Effective law and regulation for disaster risk reduction: a multi-country report

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have collaborated on a multi-country report to assess legal frameworks for DRR in 31 countries. The purpose of this report is to support legislators, public administrators, and DRR and development practitioners and advocates to prepare and implement effective legal frameworks for disaster risk management (DRM) that

Summary – Effective law and regulation for disaster risk reduction: a multi-country report Read More »

Introduction to the Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance (IDRL Guidelines)

In November 2007, the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent unanimously adopted a set of recommendations to help governments prepare their regulatory systems for international disaster response. The Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance have been widely endorsed in the years since their adoption. They have been

Introduction to the Guidelines for the domestic facilitation and regulation of international disaster relief and initial recovery assistance (IDRL Guidelines) Read More »

Resumen – Leyes y reglamentos eficaces para la reducción del riesgo de desastres: informe multinacional

la Federación Internacional de  Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y la Media Luna Roja (FICR) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) han trabajado conjuntamente en un informe multinacional orientado a evaluar los marcos jurídicos de la RRD en 31 países. El informe apunta a ayudar a los legisladores, administradores públicos, defensores y profesionales de la

Resumen – Leyes y reglamentos eficaces para la reducción del riesgo de desastres: informe multinacional Read More »

Présentation des Lignes directrices relatives à la facilitation et à la réglementation nationales des opérations internationales de secours et d’assistance au relèvement initial en cas de catastrophe

En novembre 2007, la XXXe Conférence internationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge a adopté à l’unanimité un ensemble de recommandations visant à aider les gouvernements à élaborer leurs réglementations en matière d’opérations internationales de secours en cas de catastrophe : les Lignes directrices relatives à la facilitation et à la réglementation nationales des opérations internationales de secours et

Présentation des Lignes directrices relatives à la facilitation et à la réglementation nationales des opérations internationales de secours et d’assistance au relèvement initial en cas de catastrophe Read More »

Model Act for the Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance (with commentary) (March 2013)

The “Model Act for the Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance” is intended as a reference tool for voluntary use by disaster management officials and/or legislators who wish to develop domestic legislation, regulation, and/or procedures in their countries for managing potential future international disaster assistance.

Model Act for the Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance (with commentary) (March 2013) Read More »

Originating Urban Climate Change Adaptation Planning Guidepost: Urban Landscape Sustainability Framework (ULSF), Quezon City, Philippines

The Quezon City (QC) in the Philippines is developing assertively and replacing vegetation by buildings,roads, gardens and parks, one of the effects of urbanization that exacerbates the formation of Urban heat Islands (UHI) and changes the microclimate, raising summer temperatures by up to 7oC and increasing surface run-off into cities streams and rivers. To resolve

Originating Urban Climate Change Adaptation Planning Guidepost: Urban Landscape Sustainability Framework (ULSF), Quezon City, Philippines Read More »

Enacting Humanitarian Culture: How Technical Communication Facilitates Successful Humanitarian Work

Purpose: Technical communicators should look beyond for-profit industry to develop a fuller understanding of how technical communication can support, enable, and constitute successful work practices. To illustrate, we report a subset of findings regarding how technical and professional communication supports successful humanitarian work. Method: We conducted a three-phase longitudinal study of an international humanitarian organization. In Phases 1 and 2,

Enacting Humanitarian Culture: How Technical Communication Facilitates Successful Humanitarian Work Read More »

Resilience Radar User Manual. A practical tool to measure community resilience

How do you measure ‘resilience’? There has been much debate both on definitions and on measurements, but arguably little practice: Few humanitarian and development projects take a systematic approach to assessing the multiple dimensions of resilience. While several tools exist, most are time-consuming and complex. Banyaneer therefore developed a free, flexible, and rather simple tool

Resilience Radar User Manual. A practical tool to measure community resilience Read More »

What Practices Are Used to Identify and Prioritize Vulnerable Populations Affected by Urban Humanitarian Emergencies?

Individuals and organizations responding to humanitarian crises recognize the need to improve urban emergency response and preparedness – including the need to devise better methods for assessing vulnerability within urban populations. This systematic review represents the first ever attempt to systematically search, sort and synthesize the existing evidence in order to consolidate findings on the tools,

What Practices Are Used to Identify and Prioritize Vulnerable Populations Affected by Urban Humanitarian Emergencies? Read More »

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