Assessment or evaluation

Climate change and food systems: global assessments and implications for food security and trade

This book collects the findings of a group of scientists and economists who have taken stock of climate change impacts on food and agriculture at global and regional levels over the past two decades. The evidence presented describes how global warming will impact where and how food is produced and discusses the significant consequences for […]

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Nepal Earthquake Lessons 2015

This lessons paper aims to assist operational agencies responding to the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake. It provides 17 lessons drawn from experience of previous comparable disasters, based on evaluations, research papers and interviews with operational humanitarian practitioners. Key links to relevant information are provided after each lesson, with references provided at the end of

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Lessons Learned for Nepal Earthquake response (27 April, 2015)

The aim of this product is to improve the performance of humanitarian actors in the response of the Nepal earthquake, assist agencies working in the response and encourage positive action by decision makers. The lessons learned below have been a product of the analysis of main findings and lessons from evaluations of past earthquakes, with similar characteristics and features

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International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) in Nepal: A study on strengthening legal preparedness for international disaster response

This report reviews Nepal’s legal and policy framework for disaster response with a focus on large-scale emergencies that exceed national coping capacities. It analyses Nepal’s legal preparedness for disasters by assessing its legal framework against key international standards. The study aims to: Identify gaps and areas of good practice in addressing legal issues and implementing the key regional and

International Disaster Response Law (IDRL) in Nepal: A study on strengthening legal preparedness for international disaster response Read More »

Reflexiones y aportes metodológicos en torno a la vulnerabilidad

Marco de referencia conceptual sobre vulnerabilidad territorial La presente publicación forma parte de una colección de reflexiones y aportes metodológicos en torno a la vulnerabilidad. Este documento es el primero de la serie y consta de dos partes en la primera recopila algunas vertientes conceptuales sobre vulnerabilidad y en la segunda analiza diferentes estudios de

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Water Security and Climate Resilient Development – Strategic Framework

This Framework provides an approach for the development of ‘no/low regrets’ investments and financing strategies, as a starting point for embarking on climate resilient development in Africa. No/low regrets investments have the key characteristic of delivering benefits under any future climate scenario and building confidence in the long term sustainability of development activities. Fast-tracking these

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Post project impact assessment of DRR interventions in Katakwi, Uganda

From 2010 – 2011 the Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS), with support from the American Red Cross (ARC), implemented a disaster risk reduction project (DRR) in the Teso sub-region of Eastern  Uganda. Known informally as the “Katakwi DRR Project”, this project was implemented in six parishes across two sub-counties. The goal of this project was to help

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