Asia Pacific

Building Capacity in Disaster Risk Management – Lessons learned in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Red Cross disaster management (DM) programme was set up to reduce the risk of natural disasters and to help communities protect themselves and overcome the effects of disasters. Its main objective is to raise awareness of disaster risks and how to prepare for disasters at the community level, […]

Building Capacity in Disaster Risk Management – Lessons learned in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Read More »

Population movement and the Chittagong Hill Tracts development programme

In 1999 the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) decided to use the “Better Programming Initiative” (BPI), the conflict-sensitive approach to programming adopted by the International Federation in 1998, to plan a new Chittagong Hill Tracts development programme. BPI would help to identify how to use assistance to increase local communities’ capacities to work together and

Population movement and the Chittagong Hill Tracts development programme Read More »

Mangrove plantation in Viet Nam: measuring impact and cost benefit

In an effort to further highlight the impact, efficiency and sustainability of DRR interventions, an external evaluation was conducted on the community-based ‘Mangrove Plantation and Disaster Risk Reduction’ (MP/DRR) project in the disaster prone coastal provinces of northern Viet Nam. The evaluation assessed the project’s performance and progress against set objectives and analysed the extent

Mangrove plantation in Viet Nam: measuring impact and cost benefit Read More »

Breaking the waves: Impact analysis of coastal afforestation for disaster risk reduction in Viet Nam

“Breaking the waves” presents a study of the impact, efficiency and sustainability of the “Community-based Mangrove Reforestation and Disaster Preparedness Programme” that has been implemented by Viet Nam Red Cross (VNRC) since 1994. This report and its sister publication (“Planting protection”) are both results of a programme evaluation conducted in January 2011. This report presents

Breaking the waves: Impact analysis of coastal afforestation for disaster risk reduction in Viet Nam Read More »

Recovery and risk reduction through livelihood support in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste is emerging from decades of conflict that led to its independence from Indonesia in 2002. The country’s location and topography have made it vulnerable to a range of natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods. The newly established Timor-Leste Red Cross Society has been working with communities to reduce and mitigate the impact of

Recovery and risk reduction through livelihood support in Timor-Leste Read More »

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