
Heatwave Guide for Cities

The Heatwave Guide for Cities from the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement offers urban planners and city authorities an authoritative summary of the actions they can take to reduce the danger of heatwaves, which are defined as a period of time when temperatures, or temperature in combination with other factors, are unusually high and […]

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Africa Earthquake Model: A step toward understanding earthquake risk in Africa

The GEM Foundation released the Africa Earthquake Hazard and Risk model on 15th May 2019 in recognition of UNISDR’s Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 in Geneva. The technical data and information for this model can now be downloaded from the Africa Model webpage. The Africa Earthquake model underpins the African portion of GEM’s global

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WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2018

The World Metereological Organization (WMO) marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate, which was first issued in 1194. The 2019 edition treating data for 2018 marks sustained international efforts dedicated to reporting on, analysing and understanding the year-to-year variations and long-term trends of a changing climate. Some

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Heat Waves and Human Health: Emerging Evidence and Experience to Inform Risk Management in a Warming World

This report from the USAID-funded Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) project examines efforts to better understand and manage the risks of extreme heat on human wellbeing, including the public health burden heat poses and the direct and indirect impacts of heatwaves. The assessment was made in support of the Climate Service for Resilient Development

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The Role of Businesses in Community Recovery

Business play a vital role in supporting community recovery following a disaster and maintaining operations during an extreme event is fundamental to community resilience. Businesses that stay open or reopen quickly provide much needed services and employment, without which communities cannot recover. For businesses that can, providing direct support to their community further deepens those

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Forecast-based Financing: Effective early actions to reduce flood impacts

Led by the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and supported by the German Red Cross, the Bangladesh FbF project is at the forefront of experience with FbF activation and funding delivery in the Asia-Pacific region.  This case study examines the effectiveness of distributing unconditional cash grants to affected people as an early action measure in the

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Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change 2018

The 2018 report of The Lancet Countdown: ‘Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change’ shows concerning trends in health risks from heat and heatwaves, infectious diseases, and declining food security.   Access to the reviews in English, French, Spanish and Mandarin. To download the complete report, infographics and other communication and policy resources access to

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