
Typhoon Haiyan: 5 Years On in the Philippines

Five years ago today, one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Philippines made landfall. Typhoon Haiyan took more than 6,000 lives on the island nation—destroying homes, bridges, schools, farms, and businesses in its wake. Red Cross teams started delivering aid in the immediate aftermath: helping save lives amongst the destruction.  Initially, the Red […]

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Infiltration wells for flood mitigation in Sewu Village – Flood Resilience

Sewu is among the most flood -prone villages in the Surakarta District, Indonesia. Hundreds of houses are located close to the riverbank; many are unauthorized settlements that have substandard facilities and infrastructure. The residents of Sewu Village have built infiltration wells to reduce the risk of flooding. Infiltration wells enable water to seep into the

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Plecostumus: alternative family income and livelihood – Flood Resilience

The communities in the municipality of Jonuta (Tabasco, Mexico), have been coached in how to use the Plecostomus as a food source. The money generated in wages and from sales of Plecostomus have increased family incomes and improved local subsistence practices. The Flood Resilience Alliance (2013 -2017) is a five-year partnership that set out to develop

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The Flood Resilience Alliance – Community Testimonials from Nepal, Mexico and Indonesia

The Flood Resilience Alliance (2013 -2017) is a five-year partnership that set out to develop a model that would deliver effective community flood resilience programmes at scale and contribute to shaping the flood resilience agenda of policy-makers and donors. For the IFRC and National Societies the Flood Resilience Alliance, advocacy and influencing strategies were designed to improve conditions for vulnerable

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Cox’s Bazar: Migrants are Taking Action as the Rains Fall

  When rain falls in Kutupalong -a temporary home for displaced families in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh -it’s not merely an inconvenience. It’s a hazard. Within minutes of a downpour the walkways become slippery mud; the fields turn to puddles; and people’s roofs start to leak. As part of the Bangladesh government’s Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP), the

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