Guidance material

Integrating climate change and urban risks into the VCA

These guidelines have been developed to specifically address two key recommendations that have emerged from the Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) review; these are to provide further guidance to National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on how to: (i) integrate into the existing VCA process and tools, information on the additional risks and vulnerabilities

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Public Awareness and Public Education for DRR: Key messages

This publication, a supplement to the previously published “Public awareness and education for disaster risk reduction: a guide”, is offered as a tool for practitioners internationally to use in a consensus-building validation process. National Societies, national disaster management organizations, governmental and non-governmental organisations and international organizations are invited to be part of a global validation

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WASH Package for Ebola Care and Treatment Centres/Units

UNICEF offices and sector partners in Ebola-affected and at-risk countries are increasingly requesting guidance on WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) services provision in Ebola Care Centre and Units. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Ebola virus disease (EVD) infection control (IFC) guidelines and protocols

WASH Package for Ebola Care and Treatment Centres/Units Read More »

Handbook for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning in Lao PDR

Published on: 1/1/2012 Language: English Author(s): Ministry of Planning Investment, supported by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and World Bank, financial assistance from Globa Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery Department: Disaster Risk Management System Type: Policies, Procedures and Guidelines File size: 14.06 MB Publication Overview/Description This Handbook is specific for Lao PDR, and has been adapted from the DaLA methodology developed

Handbook for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Planning in Lao PDR Read More »

Legislative Advocacy for Disaster Risk Reduction: Guidance Note No. 1

Good legislation can play a critical role in reducing disaster risk. This has always been clear for man-made hazards, such as oil spills, faulty construction, and industrial accidents, all of which can be greatly reduced through well-enforced rules and standards. Natural disasters, on the other hand, have traditionally been thought of as an inevitable fact of life, beyond

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Children in disasters-Games and guidelines to engage youth in risk reduction

The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance to Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies on effectively engaging in informal Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) educational initiatives. This publication is meant, in relation to DRR and education, to promote relevant initiatives in the region, identify the current roles and responsibilities of National Society at

Children in disasters-Games and guidelines to engage youth in risk reduction Read More »

Business Continuity Program Coordinator and Committee Worksheet

Use the following table to identify members of your program committee and compile their contact information. Use the list to prepare a distribution list for communicating with committee members and distribution of program documentation.   For more information, visit: Program Coordinator and Committee

Business Continuity Program Coordinator and Committee Worksheet Read More »

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