Guidance material

Guiding principles on security of tenure for the urban poor

This Guidelines are published by the Special Rapporteur on Adequate housing in Feb 2014.  I believe that these principles can be useful on our programs, (specially our Recovery  and Urban programming) as it presents an overview on how to strengthen diverse tenure forms, both formal and informal, an overview of mechanisms conducing to security of […]

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Participatory Impact Assessment: A Design Guide

The Feinstein International Center has been developing and adapting participatory approaches to measure the impact of livelihoods based interventions since the early nineties. Originally released in 2009, this updated version of our PIA guide takes account of the continuing need to include local people in defining and measuring impact, while also using a systematic approach

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Evaluación Participativa Del Impacto Guía para profesionales

Desde principios de los años 90, el Centro Internacional Feinstein ha venido desarrollando y adaptando enfoques participativos para medir el impacto de las intervenciones efectuadas en función de los medios de sustento. Con base enesta experiencia, esta guía busca ofrecer un amplio marco a los profesionales en este campo con el propósito de llevar a cabo evaluaciones participativas del impacto (EPI) a

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Évaluation D’impact Participative Guide à Destination Des Praticiens

Le Centre international Feinstein développe  et adapte des approches participatives visant à  mesurer l’impact des interventions relatives aux  moyens de subsistance depuis le début des années 1990. Mettant cette expérience à profit, ce guide  est destiné à fournir aux praticiens un vaste cadre  de référence pour réaliser des Évaluations  d’impact participatives (ÉIP) au niveau des

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Guidance for Improved Case Studies

As part of a project to enrich and advance the library of case studies showing good practices in disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction that are available to practitioners worldwide, the GDPC supported the development of a guidance tool on how to best construct and capture case studies that define the challenges facing disaster preparedness

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Cement Trust

An NGO and consortium of cement producers that works to improve supply chain management for cement production. is looking to help builders reach a goal of 3,000 PSI cement rather than the 1,200 PSI cement that can typically be achieved with hand-mixing with a shovel. Cement Trust website, Interview with Bruce Christensen, general manager of

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Innovative Land Tenure in the Philippines: Challenges, Approaches and Institutionalization

Given the size of the urban poor population, a major challenge confronting development agencies, policymakers and social actors concerned with addressing poverty is how to provide better access to secure tenure and housing. tools and strategies to increase the poor’s access to secure land and housing tenure need to be devised. the overall aim of this study is to contribute to the

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Characteristics of a Safe and Resilient Community

This research report draws on the experience of the TRP CBDRR programmes and current literature in order to identify the ‘characteristics of safe and resilientcommunities; to understand how these characteristics changed over time and howRCRC interventions have contributed to this change’.It is intended that the characteristics arising from this research will be used in the design, monitoring

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