
Emergency Sahel Shelter; Warehouse and Natural Fibre versions (IFRC SRU, 2017)

West Africa has faced and continues to face frequent episodes of population movement. The National Societies of the Red Cross Cross of West Africa are often called upon to intervene at the frontline during each crisis. There is therefore a need to equip them with shelter solutions designed in a participatory and innovative way, upstream

Emergency Sahel Shelter; Warehouse and Natural Fibre versions (IFRC SRU, 2017) Read More »

Uganda – Shelter Field Assessment; DRC population movement (2018)

The URCS (with IFRC assistance) needs support to help thousands of vulnerable refugees who have fled violence in DRC and are now living in camps located South East Albert Lake. Ethnic violence’s have forced thousands of people to seek safety in neighboring Uganda since December 2017. The challenges are diverse and multi-sectorial, the URCS and

Uganda – Shelter Field Assessment; DRC population movement (2018) Read More »

IFRC-SRU exhibition during the RCRC Movement General Assembly and Statutory Meeting (2017)

Held in Antalya from Nov. 04th until Nov. 11th 2017 with the support of the Turkish Red Crescent The 21st session of the GA and the statutory meeting is a platform for National Societies to discuss the strategic direction of the RC movement for the coming years. Taking advantage of this major event, the IFRC-SRU

IFRC-SRU exhibition during the RCRC Movement General Assembly and Statutory Meeting (2017) Read More »

Presentation of the Open Shelter Database in the Philippines; IFRC-SRU (2018)

Humanitarian Sheltering is a key component to assist affected populations in rebuilding lives and livelihoods. The Open Shelter Database currently hosts information on 160 shelters implemented by different actors in various countries. All shelters recorded in the database are presented in a comparable and standardized fashion in order to offer an overview of construction techniques,

Presentation of the Open Shelter Database in the Philippines; IFRC-SRU (2018) Read More »

Niger Revision Sahel Shelter Kit – Review and improvement of the Sahel shelter solution

The Aide internationale de la Croix-Rouge luxembourgeoise (AICRL)  has been working since 2013 in Diffa, Niger. In close collaboration with the Nigerian Red Cross (CRN), it carries out interventions in the area of shelter and sanitation for refugees and IDPs in the Diffa region after the crisis in Lake Chad. In this context and with

Niger Revision Sahel Shelter Kit – Review and improvement of the Sahel shelter solution Read More »

Formation: Abris et établissements humains, IFRC-Shelter Research Unit, 2019

Depuis son engagement de prendre le rôle de chef de file du groupe sectoriel des « Abris et Etablissements humains », en cas de catastrophes naturelles, la Fédération Internationale de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge (FICR) s’est engagée à renforcer les capacités des Sociétés Nationales assurant la formation de personnes qualifiées, et expérimentées au niveau

Formation: Abris et établissements humains, IFRC-Shelter Research Unit, 2019 Read More »

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