Jonathan Ulrich
Geneva, Switzerland
Flood Resilience Associate at the IFRC / Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance
Awareness material
En Costa Rica las condiciones de vulnerabilidad, como el incremento de población sin planificación, la mala distribución y uso del suelo, y el terreno montañoso y con pendientes pronunciadas, han provocado desequilibrios ecológicos de gran magni...
Awareness material
In Costa Rica, drivers of vulnerability such as unplanned population growth, poor distribution and use of land, and the mountainous and steeply sloping terrain have led to great ecological imbalances. One of the consequences is devastating flooding w...
Awareness material
According to the annual Global Climate Risk Index produced by Germanwatch, Honduras is among the top five most vulnerable countries. The effects of disasters negatively impact development and increase poverty. In the last two decades, disasters have ...
Case Study, Report
This case study describes how the data and results of the Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) were presented to and discussed with members of communities targeted by the Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Program of the Philippin...
Case Study
En atención a la pandemia por Covid-19 y a los consecuentes confinamientos, el Programa de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones de la Cruz Roja Mexicana, que forma parte de la Alianza Zurich de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones (ZFRA por sus siglas en inglés)...
Case Study
Facing the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns, the Flood Resilience Program of the Mexican Red Cross that is implemented as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (ZFRA) had to stop all community and face-to-face activities. Instead, the flood res...
Awareness material
Albania is a flood-prone country that has faced changing rainfall patterns with stronger and longer rainfall periods over the past 15 years. The inadequate infrastructure increases the severity of floods every few years in the northern part of Albani...
Awareness material, Guidance material, Report, Research
The Philippines is the twelfth most populated country in the world and is ranked third globally in terms of its vulnerability to natural hazards. The Philippines is especially prone to hydrometeorological events with floods accounting for over 80...
Mexico is susceptible to different types of natural hazards, such as droughts in the northern desert zone, frosts in the north- west and north-east, heavy rains in the south, and tropical cyclones in its more than 11,000 kilometres of coastline expos...