Case study 3 – Community micro-projects improve the livelihoods of rural families in Madriz, Nicaragua

The Partners for Resilience (PfR) put their integrated approach and vision of community resilience into practice to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Nicaragua. In the municipalities of San Lucas and Las Sabanas, their micro-projects consist of specific interventions and management actions, which combine Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) with Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Ecosystem Management and Restoration (EMR). The communities are directly involved in each phase of the micro-projects: from the risk analysis and design to the actual implementation.

Flower production in the community of El Castillito, Las Sabanas (2014) , Eco-stoves in Miramar, Las Sabanas, Nicaragua (2014) , Laguna La Bruja, comunidad El Pegador, Las Sabanas (2014), Microproyecto letrinas ecológicas, Los Llanitos (2014),,,

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