12 Jan 2015
Urgent humanitarian assistance is needed in Namibia as the impact and effects of drought worsen, leaving people struggling to find food, suffering from malnutrition and selling their assets just to survive.
Tags: Video, Drought, Livelihoods and Food Security
05 Jun 2015
The heaviest flooding in over a decade to hit southern Mozambique has affected almost 250,000 people and destroyed towns and livelihoods. The floods have claimed 113 lives, which is still far fewer than similar floods in 2000 when over 900 people die...
Tags: Video, Flood, Livelihoods and Food Security
21 Apr 2015
Module 5: Disaster Risk Reduction & Reconceiving The Road To Recovery The final module focuses on the importance of incorporating DRR into S&S activities, and its importance in saving lives, reducing suffering, and reducing the economic and s...
Tags: Training material, Video