Disaster Preparedness: Lessons Learned from the LAC region

As part of the project “LARRA Actividades de Reducción de Riesgo de Latinoamérica,” the American Red Cross in coordination with the National Societies from Colombia, El Salvador and Honduras held the Lessons Learned Workshop 2018 – 2019 on mid-June.  

The attendees from the Latin America and the Caribbean delegation, representatives from National Societies, community leaders, and delegates from the IFRC and OFDA participated in high-level discussions to identify the main results of the activities implemented on that period.

The workshop was developed in a participatory methodology, which included the radio transmision on the American Red Cross Radio (in Spanish) to engage with more participants and share more perspectives. 

Lesson learned LAC

Moreover, on October 10,  the regional delegation presented a Learning Session to disseminate the experiences and lessons learned during this workshop within a broader international audience in the American Red Cross.   

The session included the following topics: 

  • Process / Design of the Lessons Learned Workshop by Roberto Brito, Regional Director for the LAC Region American Red Cross. 
  • Outcomes from the workshop by Jorge Menendez, American Red Cross Consultant.
  • Applying the learnings to future programming by Ingrid Saito, Regional Reporting Officer for the LAC Region American Red Cross.

The session was presented in English and facilitated by Leah Seese, Officer, International Response Operations at the American Red Cross. 

Find the recording in the following video: 

LAC Lessons Learned in Disaster Preparedness planning

For more details, please access to the reports in English and Spanish, in the right column. 


Lessons Learned :

Supporting Materials :

LAC Lessons Learned Workshop 2017 – 2019 (English) , Workshop – Lessons learned brief LARRA 2017-2019 (English), Resumen del taller de Lecciones Aprendidas LARRA 2017-2019 (Español), Lecciones Aprendidas LARRA 2017 – 2019 (Español)

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