Launch Of Small Grants II: Call for Asia Pacific National Society and Youth Volunteer Urban Climate Resilience Proposals

As we witness the climate crisis, COVID-19, and an ever-evolving humanitarian landscape – understanding the urban context and enhanced urban resilience, remains a critical, cross-cutting issue underscoring our Red Cross Red Crescent work. Especially in the Asia Pacific – a primarily urban region. In the context of rapidly transforming cityscapes and growing urbanization, urban communities worldwide have greater opportunities for growth and connectedness than ever before; yet, the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is rapidly increasing, leading to amplified risk and vulnerability.

Purpose of the Call for Proposals

The IFRC Strategy 2030, recognizes the world’s rapidly urbanizing context, the high cost if we fail to develop the right skills needed to act with the right capacities at the right time, in markedly complex urban settings. To continue honing the development of skills, tools and enriched Asia Pacific urban humanitarian knowledge, the Urban Hub is pleased to support the Small Grants II. Building on the success of Small Grants I, Small Grants II provides an opportunity for National Societies and Youth Volunteers to operationalize learning in urban community resilience at the country level, document it, and share it with the Urban Hub Network and beyond.

This Small Grants II, supported by the IFRC Asia Pacific Regional Office (IFRC APRO), Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance (ZFRA), Asia Pacific Disaster Resilience Center (APDRC), Republic of Korea National Red Cross (KNRC) and Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS), is here to foster continued learning via the following thematic areas:

– Urban Community Flood Resilience (3 grants, CHF 10,000 August 2021 – November 2021)

– Urban Community Disaster Risk Reduction, Resilience and Climate Youth Action (3 grants, 5,500 CHF September 2021- March 2022)

Please note the deadline for Youth Applications have been extended to 03 September 2021! For more detailed information and criteria, please download the full Call for Proposals and Application: Urban Hub_Small-Grants_II_CfP-and-Application_08_2021


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