Slides explaining the methodology of the Data Playbook beta and v1 products: Data (Documentation) is a Team Sport (PPT Slides)
The status board is a lightweight project tracker across the teams and the project stages: Playbook Status Board Template
Playbook roles vary by the type of project. This is the list for the Data Playbook v1: Playbook Roles Template
The content index provides a way for teams to collaborate across documents for creating, editing, and production: Playbook Content Index Template
The Data Playbook team created a process to collaborate across teams and topics. The Session Design Template builds on the work of Fabriders: Playbook Session Design Template
This is an example of collaborative content for playbook contributors using the session design template: Playbook Session Design Template - Exercise 1
This is a template to guide the module editor content: Playbook Module Template
This is a template to inform people how to module edit: Playbook How to Module Edit Template
This template is to help facilitators use the playbook content and analyze their participant needs: Playbook Curriculum and Workshop Template
Handouts accompany exercises: Playbook Handout Template
Exercise templates help plan the types of content. Used with the Session Design Template: Playbook Exercise Template