Vaccination against COVID-19

Find the following resources about vaccination against COVID-19:
- IFRC guidance for introduction for COVID-19 vaccines (as of February 2021)
- IFRC's Five pillars to prepare for and introduce COVID-19 vaccines. Languages: EN, FR, SP, AR
- WHO Country readiness and delivery frequently asked questions
- Immunization Academy Watch is a global learning initiative providing rapid access to short, practical videos that enhance immunization training and delivery in the field. Videos are available in English, French and Spanish.
- WHO SAGE Roadmap for prioritizing uses of COVID-19 vaccines in the context of limited supply
- WHO Guidance on developing a national deployment and vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines
- WHO Vaccine introduction toolbox equips all countries to prepare for and implement COVID-19 vaccination by providing guidance, tools, and training. This toolbox is intended to support Ministries of Health, health workers, partner organizations, and other stakeholders. The toolbox is organized in line with the above listed WHO Guidance on developing a national deployment vaccination plan for COVID-19 vaccines.
- Johns Hopkins University Vaccine Acceptance Dashboard based on global Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey data
- IFRC's Pocket guide for Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) practitioners
- Community Engagement and Accountability Vaccines Resource Pack
- IFRC Feedback Starter Kit
- Guidance on how to have difficult conversations about COVID-19 vaccines
- Resources to manage worries and decision making around COVID-19 vaccination
- 10 steps to community readiness (IFRC, WHO, UNICEF, GOARN): What countries should do to prepare communities for a COVID-19 vaccine, treatment or new test
- WHO tools for generating acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines. These tools offer practical guidance on a range of areas - from planning, to data gathering and evaluation, to specific strategies for community engagement and managing rumours and misinformation.
- Advocacy materials: To access IFRC network advocacy materials on vaccination (NS/IFRC access only), register here.
- National Societies Immunization Taskforce Resources: The Taskforce supports IFRC’s objectives in enhancing global vaccination coverage and assisting with the preparation for and implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine. It is comprised of three Working Groups (WG) including: Advocacy WG, Operations Planning WG, and Resource Mobilization WG.
- WHO's 'Vaccine Explained' series features illustrated articles on vaccine development and distribution.