Small Business Preparedness Toolkit

Strengthen Small Business Preparedness
Your one-stop-shop for all your small business preparedness needs. Learn more about the importance of small business preparedness, and access resources and tools to help you learn how to build resilience.
What is Small Business Preparedness?
Small businesses help our world go round. When small businesses are impacted by disaster, it affects the larger community's ability to recover.
This page provides information on basic concepts of small business preparedness, including relatable examples that highlight the importance of taking the steps to prepare.

Resources for RCRC National Societies
Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies can help support small businesses as part of their delivery of community preparedness programming.
This page provides a curated compendium of small business preparedness learnings and tools.
Free Planning Tool
It can be overwhelming to know what actions to take to prepare your small business.
This page helps small business owners learn about the fundamentals of small business preparedness and provides the free planning tool to help build your business preparedness plan at your own pace.