
CAP Workshop 2019 Flyer

The host of the 2019 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop is the Secretariat of Civil Protection of Mexico City. The Workshop will be at the Justice Superior Court of Mexico City at Niños Héroes 121, Col. Doctores 06720, Ciudad de México. The Workshop will be 17-18 October. It will be preceded by a CAP

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CAP Workshop 2019

The 2019 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop willl be held 17 – 18 October, in Mexico City, Mexico. The host of this Workshop is the Secretariat of Civil Protection of Mexico City and the venue is the Justice Superior Court of Mexico City. CAP Implementation Workshops focus on emergency alerting as enabled by the CAP

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WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2018

The World Metereological Organization (WMO) marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate, which was first issued in 1194. The 2019 edition treating data for 2018 marks sustained international efforts dedicated to reporting on, analysing and understanding the year-to-year variations and long-term trends of a changing climate. Some

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Heat Waves and Human Health: Emerging Evidence and Experience to Inform Risk Management in a Warming World

This report from the USAID-funded Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) project examines efforts to better understand and manage the risks of extreme heat on human wellbeing, including the public health burden heat poses and the direct and indirect impacts of heatwaves. The assessment was made in support of the Climate Service for Resilient Development

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Community Impact Study of International Youth Preparedness Program – The Pillowcase Project

The Pillowcase Project is a school-based disaster preparedness education program first implemented in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 by American Red Cross volunteers in Louisiana, before being rolled out in 7 countries across the world. Originally designed for children aged 8 to 11 (grades 3–5), it provides key preparedness messages combining coping skill

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technology training

Strategies for Designing RCRC Preparedness Messaging in Digital Applications

As Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) societies move forward to deliver digital disaster information and preparedness messaging, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) is asking how best to capitalize on the growing accessibility of digital communications for future outreach. Emerging questions like, ‘Should we invest more in gaming or in applications that educate and/or deliver services?’ and ‘Which

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