
Resilient Cities, Resilient Lives Learning from the 100RC Network

In the six years since the creation of 100 Resilient Cities, more than 70 cities have published Resilience Strategies containing over 3,000 initiatives. To date, more than US$25 billion has been catalyzed by 100RC member cities toward the resilience agenda, and the world’s leading development financial institutions are building resilience criteria into how large-scale infrastructure projects […]

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RCRC Urban Collaboration Workshop, Beirut Lebanon

Since 2015, the Federation Secretariat and American Red Cross (ARC) have been co-leading the Urban Collaboration Platform (UCP), with strong support from several National Societies (NSs), International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) and the RCRC Climate Center. UCP aims to help the RCRC National Societies be better informed, better connected

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Humanitarian response in urban contexts

Published by ODI/ALNAP, this Good Practice Review is structured into four chapters. Chapter 1, on context, sets the scene. It describes ways of seeing the city (there are many; this section presents three). The chapter then discusses four particular threats: naturally-triggered disasters, climate change, conflict and violence. The next sections look at urban displacement and vulnerability

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Mass Displacement Host Cities and Urban Systems

This publication from ARUP aims to help host cities to further understand and improve their capacity to effectively manage rapid arrivals from displacement events by: Exploring what works in different contexts (initiatives that respond to the challenges that cities face); Exploring how city systems differ under pressure (including system actors, connections, assets, laws). Developing an analytical

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10 Jahre Forschung im DRK

Im März 2009 startete das DRK zum ersten Mal ein Forschungsprojekt mit Projektpartnern im Bereich der zivilen Sicherheitsforschung. Dies war der Beginn einer bis heute erfolgreichen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit. Seit nunmehr zehn Jahren beteiligt sich das DRK Generalsekretariat aktiv an den relevanten (akademischen) Fachdiskursen und betreibt entweder eigenständig oder in Kooperation mit Partnern vor allem

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10 Years of Research at the German Red Cross

The German Red Cross started its first research project together with partners from the civil security research in March 2009. This marked the beginning of the succesfully ongoing research and development work. For ten years now, the German Red Cross national headquarters actively participates in all academically relevant discourses and conducts application-oriented research, either in cooperation with

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