

Least Protected, Most Affected: Migrants and refugees facing extraordinary risks during the COVID-19 pandemic was officially launched for an external audience in Geneva today (10 September) by IFRC President, Francesco Rocca. Speaking to journalists in Geneva, President Rocca, said: “COVID-19 has been cruel for all of us. It has been catastrophic for migrants. They face even more restrictions in terms of accessing […]

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COVID-19 and HIV in humanitarian situations: Considerations for preparedness and response

Guidance from the Inter-Agency task team to address HIV in humanitarian emergencies, in recognition that responding to COVID-19 will put significant pressure on already weak health systems, potentially resulting in serious disruptions in HIV care and treatment. Without ARVs, PLHIV are immunocompromised and may be at higher risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, and potentially

COVID-19 and HIV in humanitarian situations: Considerations for preparedness and response Read More »

Webinar: Innovating for a sustainable, voluntary blood supply

Join the conversation to learn more about the importance of a voluntary, safe blood supply and the lessons learned in combating blood shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic. بادر بالانضمام إلى المحادثة للتعرف على المزيد عن أهمية الإمداد الطوعي الآمن بالدم والدروس المستفادة من التصدي لنقص الدم أثناء تفشي جائحة فيروس كورونا (كوفيد-١٩ Rejoignez la conversation

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