Asia Pacific

Building Back Better: Case studies in Resilience Building

The publication showcases community initiatives from China (Sichuan), Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore to provide valuable lessons for the future. Section 1 of this publication provides an overview of the “Disaster Mental Health Programme for Communities in Asia” programme’s aims and planned outcomes, and the context in which it has progressed. It also highlights the importance

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Réponse aprés le séisme au Népal: Enseignements pour les agences opérationnelles

Le présent rapport sur les enseignements tirés a pour but d’aider les agencies opérationnelles intervenant après le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le Népal le 25 avril 2015. S’inspirant de l’expérience de catastrophes passées similaires, il propose 17 leçons tirées d’évaluations, de rapports de recherche et d’entretien avec les praticiens humanitaires opérant sur le

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Disaster Response: DEWN – Dialog’s Disaster and Emergency Warning Network

On December 26th 2014, the tenth anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Sri Lankan Mobile Network Operator Dialog unveiled version 2 of is Disaster and Emergency Warning Network; DEWN v2. Developed in the aftermath of the 2004 disaster, DEWN v1 utilised the growing mobile penetration rates in the country and built a system to fully

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Strengthening livelihood capacities to disaster risk reduction in Nepal

This book documents the lessons learned during the Livelihood Centred Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction project in the Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts of Nepal. It describes the prevailing physical, institutional and socio-economic context, and details the activities and its interventions. The book is a compilation of initiatives and their evaluated outcomes on improved and diversified livelihood

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Case Study: Lessons learned from community mapping in urban and rural areas in East Africa and Bangladesh

The Missing Maps project aims to literally and figuratively put more than 20 million vulnerable, at-risk people on the map using OpenStreetMap (OSM) as a platform. We need to fill in these “missing maps” before the next disaster strikes ensuring the maps have detail sufficient for emergency responders to hit the ground running. The American

Case Study: Lessons learned from community mapping in urban and rural areas in East Africa and Bangladesh Read More »

Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative

Exerpt from Executive Summary:   Tourism is one of the most economically important sets of industries worldwide, yet the industry is also one of the most highly exposed to disasters due to its reliance on interrelated industries and location in many hazard prone regions.   The Hotel Resilient Initiative aims to develop internationally recognized standards for hotels and

Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters: A scoping study to guide the development of the Hotel Resilient Initiative Read More »

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