Guidance material

Monitoring Guide for CBDRR HH survey guide 2013

This guide has been developed to help national Red Cross Scoeities implement, monitor and evaluate community based disaster riks reduction projects. It includes tools and instructions for monitoring projects in teh community and can be used in conjunction with other ongoing monitoring activities. The guide was developed by AmRC and John Hopkins University.  Community Based […]

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Community Based DRR Household Survey Guide 2013

This guide has been developed to help national Red Cross Societies implement baseline and final assessments for community based disaster risk reductions projects. It includes instructions for how to prepare and conduct hosehold surveys as well as standardized questionnaires and reporting forms that will be used by countries participating in risk reduction projects.  Monitoring Guide

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How to Use Social Media to Better Engage People Affected by Crises

Online communication platforms have become a lifeline for millions of people affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts: social media and messaging apps help maintain contact with family and friends, and provide access to information, such as where to find food, shelter or medical assistance. This information can directly influence how people prepare for, respond

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Guía Complementaria de Apoyo para la Gestión de Riesgos Institucionales y Protección de la Integridad

Esta Guía es un documento de orientación estratégica y técnica, elaborado en el contexto de la región de América con la activa participación de todos los Componentes del Movimiento. Complementa -no sustituye- los contenidos de otras herramientas y guías oficiales de la Federación Internacional a nivel global como: Las Directrices para la aplicación de la

Guía Complementaria de Apoyo para la Gestión de Riesgos Institucionales y Protección de la Integridad Read More »

Strategic targeting methodology: community selection manual

These guidelines have been developed for disaster risk management specialists, programme managers and technical staff to facilitate the selection of the most vulnerable communities in a country. The methodology described ensures a transparent, consistent and documented process that reduces external influences and power dynamics in the decision-making that leads to the selection of communities for

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Participación en la Formulación de Planes Nacionales de adaptación al Cambio Climático

Esta guía está destinada a apoyar los esfuerzos de las Sociedades Nacionales de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja en las deliberaciones sobre políticas nacionales relativas a la adaptación al cambio climático, en particular a través de la elaboración de planes nacionales de adaptación al cambio climático (PNA) por parte de los

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City-wide Risk Assessment: Do-It-Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience

LAS TRADUCCIONES AL ESPAÑOL DE LOS JUEGOS DE HERRAMIENTAS ESTÁN AQUÍ   Description: This toolkit is developed by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center with funding support from USAID presenting an approach for assessing city-wide community resilience that will allow you to: Identify community resilience priorities and needs that require city-level attention and intervention; Determine whether

City-wide Risk Assessment: Do-It-Together Toolkit for Building Urban Community Resilience Read More »

Building Coalitions for Urban Resilience Toolkit

LAS TRADUCCIONES AL ESPAÑOL ESTÁN AQUÍ This toolkit is developed by the Global Disaster Preparedness Center with funding support from USAID presenting an approach for building coalitions in cities to build resilience. Addressing the increasingly complex issues facing urban areas requires a city-wide civic process to build local coalitions to guide and foster work at

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