Business Preparedness

Official Economic Report of Kampong Junjongan: From Village to Small Town in Five Years?

The vision of this report is to make Junjungan Village into a small town centre in five years time. Utilising the central concept of Charter Village/Town, the Kampong would have by then secured the much-needed empowerment to govern itself with the backing and support of the central government to carry out the following recommendations. To […]

Official Economic Report of Kampong Junjongan: From Village to Small Town in Five Years? Read More »

Typhoon Haiyan: 5 Years On in the Philippines

Five years ago today, one of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Philippines made landfall. Typhoon Haiyan took more than 6,000 lives on the island nation—destroying homes, bridges, schools, farms, and businesses in its wake. Red Cross teams started delivering aid in the immediate aftermath: helping save lives amongst the destruction.  Initially, the Red

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Plecostumus: alternative family income and livelihood – Flood Resilience

The communities in the municipality of Jonuta (Tabasco, Mexico), have been coached in how to use the Plecostomus as a food source. The money generated in wages and from sales of Plecostomus have increased family incomes and improved local subsistence practices. The Flood Resilience Alliance (2013 -2017) is a five-year partnership that set out to develop

Plecostumus: alternative family income and livelihood – Flood Resilience Read More »

The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security 2017

In 2015 FAO issued its first report on The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security, exploring the negative effects of naturally-induced and climate-related disasters ona agriculture. Against the backdrop of increasingly pressing challenges, FAO has now expanded the report’s scope. The 2017 edition takes into consideration all threats facing agriculture today – from

The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security 2017 Read More »

Business Preparedness Initiative

Over the last 2 years, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center has developed and launched the Business Preparedness Initiative which aims to protect livelihoods and promote more comprehensive community resilience. It does so by providing easy-to-use, adaptable and scalable tools for small business preparedness. Small businesses play a critical role in communities and ultimately in global

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Atlas: Ready for Business

Atlas: Ready for Business As a core component of GDPC’s Business Preparedness Initiative, Atlas: Ready for Business is a scalable mobile application aimed at preparing small businesses to withstand common crises they might face, such as a natural disaster. The mobile application is one step in the process of implementation of a Business Preparedness Plan. The

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A unified front: Business Partnerships for Effective Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

This report makes the case that a unified effort of business partnership is needed to effectively manage the unexpected difficulties that arise as a result of disasters. It presents some strategies and best practices companies have implemented for dealing with disasters and reducing their impact. It also discusses a number of trends that are critical

A unified front: Business Partnerships for Effective Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Read More »

Disaster Preparedness of Star Hotels to all Hazards: Case Study of Sanur, Bali

This study aims to assess hotel preparedness to several coastal hazards that pose problems for tourism. It proposes a set of indicators of preparedness that includes: (i) hazard knowledge, (ii) management, direction and coordination, (iii) formal and informal response plans and agreements, (iv) supportive resources, (v) life safety protection, (vi) property protection, (vii) emergency coping

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Developing strategies to strengthen the resilience of hotels to disasters

This scoping study analyzes the business context and needs for specific disaster risk management standards for small- and medium-sized hotels. as part of the the Hotel Resilient Initiative. The study is based on17 semi-structured interviews with representatives from hotels, government, insurance companies and hotel associations in Bohol and Cebu in the Philippines; Lombok in Indonesia; Phuket in Thailand; and

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