Business Preparedness

Business Continuity Planning Help Desk

National Society business continuity planning is a priority as the Red Cross Red Crescent plays a critical role in emergency response, particularly now in the context of COVID-19. Through access to guidance and shared good practices, National Societies can comprehensively plan and strengthen their ability to maintain relevant country-wide services to communities affected by a crisis.

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Business Preparedness Initiative (BPI) Workshop in a Box

The BPI Workshop in a Box is a downloadable set of resources that enable any facilitator to run a series of business preparedness and resilience workshops for small and medium organizations. The workshop material is suitable for both for-profit and non-profit organizations. As a downloadable package, it contains all the information and material a facilitator

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Business Preparedness Initiative (BPI) Resource Guide

The purpose of BPI is to save lives, protect livelihoods, and shorten recovery times following disasters. It does this by providing small and medium businesses with adaptable preparedness tools. This guide is for Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and other organizations, associations, and networks (e.g. Chamber of Commerce). The guide has been designed

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OFB-EZ (Open for Business-EZ)

OFB-EZ (Open for Business-EZ) is a free business continuity tool designed to help even the smallest businesses focus on planning for any type of business interruption, so they can quickly re-open and resume operations following a disaster. With its non-technical language and streamlined layout, any business owner can create an easy-to-use recovery plan tailored to the

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The Role of Businesses in Community Recovery

Business play a vital role in supporting community recovery following a disaster and maintaining operations during an extreme event is fundamental to community resilience. Businesses that stay open or reopen quickly provide much needed services and employment, without which communities cannot recover. For businesses that can, providing direct support to their community further deepens those

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