Public Awareness and Public Education

Bangladesh community radio: Hello Red Crescent – We Listen to You

In December 2014, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Swedish Red Cross, launched its first ever live call-in radio programme. Since July 2015, the programme has been regularly broadcasted through community radio stations in Kurigram and Barguna districts, making it […]

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रातो पाण्डा सार्वजनिक हितका सन्देशहरूको श्रृङ्खला: प्रकोप जोखिम न्यूनिकरण

Red Panda PSA Video Series: Disaster Risk Reduction (in Nepali) अमेरिकी दुतावास काठमाण्डौं र नेपालस्थित अमेरिकी सहयोग नियोगको प्रकोप जोखिम न्यूनिकरण कार्यालयले जनवरी १५, २०१३ का दिन प्रकोप जोखिम न्यूनिकरण सम्वन्धि सार्वजनिक हितका यी सन्देशहरू सार्वजनिकरण गरेका थिए। यी सन्देशहरू विभिन्न टेलिभिजन स्टेशनहरूबाट धेरै पटक प्रशारित भए र निकै मनपराइनुका साथै यस्ले भुकम्पको जोखिम न्यूनिकरणमा

रातो पाण्डा सार्वजनिक हितका सन्देशहरूको श्रृङ्खला: प्रकोप जोखिम न्यूनिकरण Read More »

Towards Safer School Construction – A community-based approach

This publication synthesizes the lessons from past community-based school construction programs and projects around the globe. It provides guidance for engaging communities in mobilisation, planning, design, construction and post-construction maintenance of safer schools. The approach seeks to achieve the twin goals of safer schools and more resilient communities. It treats school construction as a community

Towards Safer School Construction – A community-based approach Read More »

Communities’ Awareness and Perception of Natural Hazards in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia, 2014, Jimma University

This reports highlights the findings from a research project conducted by Jimma University, Ethiopia in response to the ‘Preparedness and Resilience Research’ small grants program (Phase I) implemented by Response 2 Resilience Institute and the Global Disaster Preparedness Center.  Abstract: Natural and human-induced hazards and associated disasters continue to pose a serious threat to Ethiopia,

Communities’ Awareness and Perception of Natural Hazards in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia, 2014, Jimma University Read More »

Chikungunya – Hard to pronounce, but easy to prevent

Chikungunya is similar to Dengue, but the fever and joint pain are more intense in the case of Chikungunya.Chikungunya cannot affect the same person twice.There is no vaccine.Generally it does not cause death, but more vulnerable persons and those with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, renal failure, tuberculosis, among others, should be medically monitored because there

Chikungunya – Hard to pronounce, but easy to prevent Read More »

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