
IFRC Guidance for RCRC Education Response to COVID-19

Educational disruptions, even temporary, have serious repercussions on the lives and well-being of young people and their families, especially those already left behind or left out of society. This IFRC guidance includes information on: Key facts and figures about the global impact of COVID-19 on formal education systems What can the IFRC and National Societies

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Cash transfer programming: Guidelines for mainstreaming and preparedness

National Societies are increasingly requesting technical assistance and guidance to develop, mainstream and institutionalize CTP preparedness. The majority of National Societies have already established general preparedness and contingency plans. Activities within CTP preparedness projects should therefore be integrated into these plans, and activities should be complementary where possible, with the goal of mainstreaming CTP preparedness

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How To Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands and encouraging everyone around you to do the same can help stop the spread of germs and keep you healthy. When you wash your hands, you wash away germs.  If you don’t wash your hands, germs can get into your body and make you sick. When you should wash your hands Before you

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Preparedness for Effective Response – Considerations for epidemics

The increasing number and complexity of disasters, epidemics, and other crises National Societies are facing has triggered various initiatives within the Movement aimed at strengthening National Societies capacity to reduce risk, prepare for and respond to humanitarian emergencies. Preparedness for Effective Response – considerations for epidemics guidance is available in English, Spanish, French, Arabic.

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