Guidance material

Community Mobilization Programming Guidelines

Guidelines for community mobilization programming developed by the American Red Cross. The guidelines were developed based on the results of a knowledge audit conducted with the American Red Cross Internal Services Department team with regional program officers, Quality and Learning Advisors and field delegates.  The guidelines recognize that a resilient community is one that possesses the physical, psychological, social, and […]

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IASC Operational Guidelines and Manual on Human Rights and Natural Disasters

In order to provide guidance on how to protect the rights of individuals affected by natural disasters, in June 2006, the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) adopted Operational Guidelines on Human Rights and Natural Disasters. These guidelines were needed because already existing guidelines on humanitarian action in emergencies, as well as standards for protecting human

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IFRC Community Early Warning Systems (CEWS) Training Toolkit – Field Guide

The Training Toolkit for Community Early Warning Systems is an operational manual that aims to strengthen early warning systems in a developing country context. It accompanies and should put into practice the guiding strategic principles found in the Community Early Warning Systems: Guiding Principles. The Toolkit is developed as a ready-to-go Training of Trainers (ToT)

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Guidebook on Creating Resilience Networks: American Red Cross

The Community Resilience Strategy (CRS) is designed to guide American Red Cross domestic staff in engaging their communities to work collaboratively to enhance community resilience and preparedness. The development of the strategy began with an in-depth look at the most recent academic research and practical applications of resilience work, both domestically and internationally. A group of

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Friendly Neighborhoods: National Societies Guide

“Friendly Neighborhoods” is a methodological approach that seeks to achieve a greater number of more secure environments where creativity, solidarity and dialogue between people who live in the neighborhood are promoted, acknowledging that there are different realities and solutions in each neighborhood. “Friendly Neighborhoods” aims to achieve Solidarity, Safety and Sustainability (TRIPLE “S”), helping to improve the welfare of people in the

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Violence Against Women and Girls Resource Guide: Disaster Risk Management Brief

Abstract: Violence against women and girls (VAWG) has negative impacts on physical and mental health. Health care settings provide a unique opportunity to identify VAWG survivors, provide critical support services, and prevent future harm. Ample studies have shown that natural disasters, including tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, disproportionately affect women and girls, who are at

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Guidelines for the use of new media by public and private organisations before, during and after crises

This report provides guidelines for public and private organisations regarding the use of social media in crisis situations. The aim of these guidelines are to advance social media usage by both citizens and organisations during crises in order to improve crisis management activities and, to also enhance the safety and security of citizens. Within this document, a distinction

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Guidelines for the use of new media by the public in crisis situations: Tips and tricks for citizens

This report provides guidelines that citizens may help in the optimal use of social media during crisis situations. Tips and tricks are formulated for the different roles that citizens can take.   Tips and tricks for citizens: How to use new media during crisis situations?

Guidelines for the use of new media by the public in crisis situations: Tips and tricks for citizens Read More »

Guidelines for Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings

The primary purpose of these guidelines is to enable humanitarian actors and communities to plan, establish, and coordinate a set of minimum multisectoral interventions to prevent and respond to sexual violence during the early phase of an emergency. While these guidelines focus on the early phase of an emergency, they also aim to inform and

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