Urban Preparedness

Examples of Urban Projects from Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies

The IFRC dedicated the World Disasters Report in 2010 to “Urban Risks”. Besides putting a spotlight on the rising vulnerabilities, the report highlighted that urban communities are capable of finding their own solutions, asserting their rights, and playing a full role in post-disaster recovery and risk reduction. In 2012, the IFRC Asia Pacific (AP) region […]

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1st Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub Meeting Report

In the context of a rapidly urbanizing Asia Pacific region, the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is increasing, leading to bigger risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of change and have significant resources, skills, and capacities to bring together resilience efforts in their own

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1st Urban Hub Youth Leadership Meeting: from Urban DRR, Community Resilience and Climate Action, Asia Pacific Youth Tackle it All

On August 18, 2021, National Societies and RCRC Youth Volunteers from across the region gathered to discuss Red Cross Red Crescent opportunities and approaches to transform, influence and inspire change in Asia Pacific cities through climate, disaster risk reduction and resilience action. Building on the Red Cross Red Crescent Strategy on Youth-Led Climate Action, Red Cross Red Crescent Youth

1st Urban Hub Youth Leadership Meeting: from Urban DRR, Community Resilience and Climate Action, Asia Pacific Youth Tackle it All Read More »

Cities for Children and Youth by the Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children

The Research Series: Cities for Children and Youth is published by the Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children. This series will include publications reflecting on a range of issues faced by urban children and youth and will shed light on promising initiatives and practices for sustained change. The series aims to inspire action, add to

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Highlights from UNFCCC Asia Pacific Climate Week: Nepal Red Cross Secretary General Aryal shares insights on how urban resilience programming shaped Nepal’s NAP

As auxiliaries to government and interlocuters to communities, National Societies are uniquely positioned to support governments National DRR, DRM and Adaptation frameworks and plans. On July 7, 2021, Secretary General of Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), Pitambar Aryal outlined the manifold ways National Societies add value to Natation Adaptation Plans in the UNFCCC APCW session,

Highlights from UNFCCC Asia Pacific Climate Week: Nepal Red Cross Secretary General Aryal shares insights on how urban resilience programming shaped Nepal’s NAP Read More »

Launch Of Small Grants II: Call for Asia Pacific National Society and Youth Volunteer Urban Climate Resilience Proposals

As we witness the climate crisis, COVID-19, and an ever-evolving humanitarian landscape – understanding the urban context and enhanced urban resilience, remains a critical, cross-cutting issue underscoring our Red Cross Red Crescent work. Especially in the Asia Pacific – a primarily urban region. In the context of rapidly transforming cityscapes and growing urbanization, urban communities

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Kit de Acción Urbana

El Kit contiene una introducción rápida a conceptos urbanos, seguida de una serie de seis módulos sobre: Comunicaciones creativas, soluciones basadas en la naturaleza, higiene y saneamiento del agua (WASH, por sus siglas en inglés), agricultura urbana, salud y bienestar, acción temprana por advertencia temprana, y ciudades habitables. Cada módulo contiene una breve descripción general

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Bangladesh Earthquake Preparedness Project

In Bangladesh German Red Cross is  supporting Bangladesh Red Crescent Society to implement an Earthquake Preparedness project for  past many years.T he project is implemented through  consortium approach having, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, British Red Cross and two  non movement partners  such as  Action Contre  La Faim and Christian aid as downstream partners.  The second

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Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub Roadmap 2021 -2023

The IFRC and member National Societies have been increasingly present and active in cities and urban settings to serve the most vulnerable people and have made valuable efforts in recent years to support the development of more resilient communities in urban areas worldwide. These achievements have been acknowledged and strengthened by the RCRC contribution in

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